Energy balance formation of sub-eutectoide fayalita at high pressures in particle separators
Alberto Echegaray
Abstract:This article presents an approach to the problem of ceramic types adhesion, applying energy and matter balance to the established control volume (cyclone) with the use of mathematical formulas that are interrelated to develop mathematical calculations and establish a new mathematical model The first results are obtained by operating the energy balance considering the collision of particles, using the principle of conservation of energy, the first law of thermodynamics, in order to obtain information that allows describing the phenomena of thermoplasticity and creep, in the formation of adhesions, from a physicochemical and kinetic point of view, which will serve as the basis for understanding their effect. As a result, an energy value of 660 kJ / mol was obtained, sufficient energy to start the transformation of the solid particles to a state of thermo-flow that allows the adhesion phenomenon to be started.
Keywords: Adhesion, energy balance, cyclones, elutriation, eutectoid, fayalite, thermoplasticity.
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