Twelve-crystal prototype of Li$_2$MoO$_4$ scintillating bolometers for CUPID and CROSS experiments

CUPID,CROSS collaborations,K. Alfonso,A. Armatol,C. Augier,F.T. Avignone III,O. Azzolini,M. Balata,I.C. Bandac,A.S. Barabash,G. Bari,A. Barresi,D. Baudin,F. Bellini,G. Benato,V. Berest,M. Beretta,M. Bettelli,M. Biassoni,J. Billard,V. Boldrini,A. Branca,C. Brofferio,C. Bucci,J.M. Calvo-Mozota,J. Camilleri,A. Campani,C. Capelli,S. Capelli,L. Cappelli,L. Cardani,P. Carniti,N. Casali,E. Celi,C. Chang,D. Chiesa,M. Clemenza,I. Colantoni,S. Copello,E. Craft,O. Cremonesi,R.J. Creswick,A. Cruciani,A. D'Addabbo,G. D'Imperio,S. Dabagov,I. Dafinei,F.A. Danevich,M. De Jesus,P. de Marcillac,S. Dell'Oro,S. Di Domizio,S. Di Lorenzo,T. Dixon,V. Dompé,A. Drobizhev,L. Dumoulin,G. Fantini,M. Faverzani,E. Ferri,F. Ferri,F. Ferroni,E. Figueroa-Feliciano,L. Foggetta,J. Formaggio,A. Franceschi,C. Fu,S. Fu,B.K. Fujikawa,A. Gallas,J. Gascon,S. Ghislandi,A. Giachero,A. Gianvecchio,M. Girola,L. Gironi,A. Giuliani,P. Gorla,C. Gotti,C. Grant,P. Gras,P.V. Guillaumon,T.D. Gutierrez,K. Han,E.V. Hansen,K.M. Heeger,D.L. Helis,H.Z. Huang,A. Ianni,L. Imbert,J. Johnston,A. Juillard,G. Karapetrov,G. Keppel,H. Khalife,V.V. Kobychev,Yu.G. Kolomensky,S.I. Konovalov,R. Kowalski,T. Langford,et al. (84 additional authors not shown)
Abstract:An array of twelve 0.28 kg lithium molybdate (LMO) low-temperature bolometers equipped with 16 bolometric Ge light detectors, aiming at optimization of detector structure for CROSS and CUPID double-beta decay experiments, was constructed and tested in a low-background pulse-tube-based cryostat at the Canfranc underground laboratory in Spain. Performance of the scintillating bolometers was studied depending on the size of phonon NTD-Ge sensors glued to both LMO and Ge absorbers, shape of the Ge light detectors (circular vs. square, from two suppliers), in different light collection conditions (with and without reflector, with aluminum coated LMO crystal surface). The scintillating bolometer array was operated over 8 months in the low-background conditions that allowed to probe a very low, $\mu$Bq/kg, level of the LMO crystals radioactive contamination by $^{228}$Th and $^{226}$Ra.
Instrumentation and Detectors,Nuclear Experiment
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