The CUORE Cryostat and Its Bolometric Detector
D. Santone,C. Alduino,K. Alfonso,D. R. Artusa,F. T. Avignone,O. Azzolini,Thomas Banks,G. Bari,J. W. Beeman,F. Bellini,A. Bersani,M. Biassoni,A. Branca,C. Brofferio,C. Bucci,A. Camacho,A. Caminata,L. Canonica,X. G. Cao,S. Capelli,L. Cappelli,L. Carbone,L. Cardani,Paolo Carniti,N. Casali,L. Cassina,D. Chiesa,N. Chott,M. Clemenza,S. Copello,C. Cosmelli,O. Cremonesi,R. J. Creswick,J. S. Cushman,A. D'Addabbo,I. Dafinei,C. J. Davis,S. Dell’Oro,M. Deninno,S. Di Domizio,M. L. di Vacri,A. Drobizhev,Deqing Fang,M. Faverzani,G. Fernandes,E. Ferri,F. Ferroni,E. Fiorini,A. Franceschi,S. J. Freedman,B. K. Fujikawa,A. Giachero,L. Gironi,A. Giuliani,L. Gladstone,P. Gorla,C. Gotti,T. D. Gutierrez,E. E. Häller,K. Han,E. V. Hansen,K. M. Heeger,R. Hennings‐Yeomans,K. P. Hickerson,H. Z. Huang,R.W. Kadel,G. Keppel,Yu. G. Kolomensky,A. Leder,C. Ligi,K. E. Lim,X. Liu,Yugang Ma,M. Maino,L. Marini,M. Martinez,R. Maruyama,Yuan Mei,N. Moggi,S. Morganti,P. Mosteiro,T. Napolitano,C. Nones,E. B. Norman,V. Novati,A. Nucciotti,T. O’Donnell,F. Orio,J. L. Ouellet,C. Pagliarone,M. Pallavicini,V. Palmieri,L. Pattavina,M. Pavan,G. Pessina,V. Pettinacci,G. Piperno,C. Pira,S Pirro,S. Pozzi,E. Previtali,C. Rosenfeld,C. Rusconi,S. Sangiorgio,N. D. Scielzo,V. Singh,M. Sisti,Alan Р. Smith,L. Taffarello,M. Tenconi,F. Terranova,C. Tomei,S. Trentalange,M. Vignati,S. L. Wagaarachchi,B.S. Wang,H.W. Wang,J. R. Wilson,L. A. Winslow,T. Wise,A. Woodcraft,L. Zanotti,G.Q. Zhang,B. X. Zhu,S. Zimmermann,S. Zucchelli
Journal of Instrumentation
Abstract:CUORE is a cryogenic detector that will be operated at LNGS to search for neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ) of 130Te. The detector installation was completed in summer 2016. Before the installation, several cold runs were done to test the cryogenic system performance. In the last cold run the base temperature of 6.3 mK was reached in stable condition. CUORE-0, a CUORE prototype, has proven the feasibility of CUORE, demonstrating that the target background of 0.01 counts/keV/kg/y and the energy resolution of 5 keV are within reach.