Achievement of FCC specification in critical current density for Nb3Sn superconductors with artificial pinning centers

X Xu,X Peng,J Rochester,M Sumption,M Tomsic
Abstract:In this letter we demonstrate achievement of record non-Cu critical current density (Jc,non-Cu) in ternary, multifilamentary Nb3Sn conductors by the introduction of artificial pinning centers (APC). In the past two years, we have made great progress in the development of APC Nb3Sn wires. Recent resistivity vs magnetic field measurements confirmed the high upper critical field (Bc2) of ternary APC wires, which at 4.2 K was ~28 T, about 1-2 T higher than present state-of-the-art conductors. In addition to high Bc2, it was found that APC wires have noticeably higher Sn content in the Nb3Sn layers as compared to standard wires. The Jc,non-Cu values of the most-recent APC wires have met the Jc,non-Cu-B specification required by the Future Circular Collider (FCC), with the best heat treatment leading to a Jc,nonCu 29% higher than the FCC specification at 21 T. Microscopy analysis shows that the APC wires still have overly high residual Nb fractions due to too low of a Sn/Nb ratio, indicating that there is still great potential for further Jc,non-Cu improvement. The development of APC wires is ongoing; this letter details some of the steps forward in the optimization and lays out a roadmap to push the APC wires towards practical, magnet-grade conductors.
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