inf(M \ L)=3
Harold Erazo,Davi Lima,Carlos Matheus,Carlos Gustavo Moreira,Sandoel Vieira
Abstract:The Lagrange and Markov spectra $L$ and $M$ describe the best constants of Diophantine approximations for irrational numbers and binary quadratic forms. In 1880, A. Markov showed that the initial portions of these spectra coincide: indeed, $L\cap (0,3) = M\cap (0,3)$ is a discrete set of explicit quadratic irrationals accumulating only at $3$.
In this article, we show that the statement above ceases to be true immediately after $3$: in particular, $L\cap (3,3+\varepsilon)\neq M\cap (3,3+\varepsilon)$ for all $\varepsilon>0$, and thus $\inf(M\setminus L)=3$. In fact, we derive this result as a by-product of lower bounds on the Hausdorff dimension of $(M\setminus L)\cap (3,3+\varepsilon)$ implying that $\liminf\limits_{\varepsilon\to 0} \frac{\dim_H((M\setminus L)\cap(3,3+\varepsilon))}{\dim_H(M\cap (3,3+\varepsilon))}\geq \frac{1}{2}$ and, as it turns out, these bounds are obtained from the study of projections of Cartesian products of almost affine dynamical Cantor sets via an argument of probabilistic flavor based on Baker--Wüstholz theorem on linear forms in logarithms of algebraic numbers.
Number Theory,Dynamical Systems