Method for the identification of substances by the ratio of the intensity of coherent to incoherent scattering
I.F. Mikhailov,A.I. Mikhailov,A.A. Baturin,L.P. Fomina
Abstract:<p>A method is proposed to identify the compounds based on chemical elements with low atomic number from the dependence of the intensity ratio of coherent (Rayleigh) and incoherent (Compton) scattering <span class="math"><math>IR/IC</math></span> on the momentum transfer variable <span class="math"><math>sinθλ</math></span>. The results of experimental measurements of this ratio are presented for primary radiation with photon energies (keV): 9.88, 10.98, 11.22, 12.49, 14.95, 16.73, 17.47, 19.60, and 22.16 in the range of <span class="math"><math>0.686Å-1⩽sinθλ⩽1.631Å-1</math></span>. The measurements were performed by the scattering spectra of one-component standard samples of beryllium, boron, and carbon, as well as multi-component stoichiometric standards based on H, Li, B, C, O, and F. The scattering spectra were measured using EDXRF and WDXRF spectrometers.</p><p>For each <span class="math"><math>xsinθλ</math></span> the dependences of <span class="math"><math>IR/IC</math></span> on the atomic number Z for one-component standards were obtained. These dependences were used as the calibration functions for determining <span class="math"><math>Zeffx</math></span> of the multicomponent substance. It is shown that multicomponent substances based on light elements can be identified from <span class="math"><math>Zeffx.</math></span></p>