Phase-resolving spin-wave microscopy using infrared strobe light
Yuzan Xiong,Andrew Christy,Muntasir Mahdi,Rui Sun,Yi Li,Robert D. Geil,James F. Cahoon,Frank Tsui,Binbin Yang,Tae Hee Kim,Jia-Mian Hu,Dali Sun,Michael C. Hamilton,Valentine Novosad,Wei Zhang
Abstract:The needs for sensitively and reliably probing magnetization dynamics have been increasing in various contexts such as studying novel hybrid magnonic systems, in which the spin dynamics strongly and coherently couple to other excitations, including microwave photons, light photons, or phonons. Recent advances in quantum magnonics also highlight the need for employing magnon phase as quantum state variables, which is to be detected and mapped out with high precision in on-chip micro- and nano-scale magnonic devices. Here, we demonstrate a facile optical technique that can directly perform concurrent spectroscopic and imaging functionalities with spatial- and phase-resolutions, using infrared strobe light operating at 1550-nm wavelength. To showcase the methodology, we spectroscopically studied the phase-resolved spin dynamics in a bilayer of Permalloy and Y3Fe5O12 (YIG), and spatially imaged the backward volume spin wave modes of YIG in the dipolar spin wave regime. Using the strobe light probe, the detected precessional phase contrast can be directly used to construct the map of the spin wave wavefront, in the continuous-wave regime of spin-wave propagation and in the stationary state, without needing any optical reference path. By selecting the applied field, frequency, and detection phase, the spin wave images can be made sensitive to the precession amplitude and phase. Our results demonstrate that infrared optical strobe light can serve as a versatile platform for magneto-optical probing of magnetization dynamics, with potential implications in investigating hybrid magnonic systems.
Materials Science