Probing Hard Color-Singlet Exchange in ppbar Collisions at root-s=630 GeV and 1800 GeV

B. Abbott et al,DZero Collaboration
Abstract:We present results on dijet production via hard color-singlet exchange in proton-antiproton collisions at root-s = 630 GeV and 1800 GeV using the DZero detector. The fraction of dijet events produced via color-singlet exchange is measured as a function of jet transverse energy, separation in pseudorapidity between the two highest transverse energy jets, and proton-antiproton center-of-mass energy. The results are consistent with a color-singlet fraction that increases with an increasing fraction of quark-initiated processes and inconsistent with two-gluon models for the hard color-singlet.
High Energy Physics - Experiment
What problem does this paper attempt to address?
### The problems the paper attempts to solve This paper aims to study the characteristics of dijet events produced by hard color - singlet exchange in proton - antiproton (p¯p) collisions. Specifically, the authors hope to verify and understand the hard color - singlet exchange process through experimental data and explore its differences from the strong interaction processes in the standard model. #### Main problems include: 1. **Measuring the proportion of color - singlet exchange**: - Researchers measured the proportion of dijet events produced by color - singlet exchange under different conditions (such as jet transverse energy \( E_T \), pseudorapidity interval \( \Delta\eta \) and center - of - mass energy \( \sqrt{s} \)). - The formula is expressed as: \[ f_S=\frac{S\cdot\sigma_{\text{singlet}}}{\sigma} \] where \( f_S \) is the observed proportion of color - singlet exchange, \( S \) is the survival probability, \( \sigma_{\text{singlet}} \) is the cross - section of dijet events produced by color - singlet exchange, and \( \sigma \) is the total cross - section of dijet events. 2. **Distinguishing color - singlet exchange from other color - exchange mechanisms**: - Color - singlet exchange usually results in the creation of a "rapidity gap", that is, no other particles are produced in the area between the two jets. This is different from ordinary color exchange (such as gluon exchange), which will produce a large number of particles in the entire phase space. - Researchers distinguish these two mechanisms by analyzing the particle multiplicity distribution between jets. 3. **Verifying theoretical models**: - Researchers compared the experimental results with different theoretical models, especially those based on quantum chromodynamics (QCD). These models attempt to explain the hard color - singlet exchange phenomenon and predict its behavior under different conditions. 4. **Exploring the dynamic characteristics of color - singlet exchange**: - Researchers found that the proportion of color - singlet exchange increases with the increase of jet transverse energy \( E_T \) and pseudorapidity interval \( \Delta\eta \), which indicates that color - singlet exchange may be related to quark - initiated processes. - This finding is of great significance for understanding the basic mechanisms of strong interactions, especially for the exploration of new physical phenomena beyond the standard model. In conclusion, through precise measurement and theoretical comparison, this paper deeply explores the performance of hard color - singlet exchange in high - energy proton - antiproton collisions and provides important clues for further understanding of strong interactions.