Measurement of W and Z boson production cross sections in collisions at TeV
B Abbott, M Abolins, V Abramov, BS Acharya, I Adam, DL Adams, M Adams, S Ahn, GA Alves, N Amos, EW Anderson, MM Baarmand, VV Babintsev, L Babukhadia, A Baden, B Baldin, S Banerjee, J Bantly, E Barberis, P Baringer, JF Bartlett, A Belyaev, SB Beri, I Bertram, VA Bezzubov, PC Bhat, V Bhatnagar, M Bhattacharjee, N Biswas, G Blazey, S Blessing, P Bloom, A Boehnlein, NI Bojko, F Borcherding, C Boswell, A Brandt, R Breedon, R Brock, A Bross, D Buchholz, VS Burtovoi, JM Butler, W Carvalho, D Casey, Z Casilum, H Castilla-Valdez, D Chakraborty, SV Chekulaev, W Chen, S Choi, S Chopra, BC Choudhary, JH Christenson, M Chung, D Claes, AR Clark, WG Cobau, J Cochran, L Coney, WE Cooper, C Cretsinger, D Cullen-Vidal, MAC Cummings, D Cutts, OI Dahl, K Davis, K De, K Del Signore, M Demarteau, D Denisov, SP Denisov, HT Diehl, M Diesburg, G Di Loreto, P Draper, Y Ducros, LV Dudko, SR Dugad, A Dyshkant, D Edmunds, J Ellison, VD Elvira, R Engelmann, S Eno, G Eppley, P Ermolov, OV Eroshin, VN Evdokimov, T Fahland, MK Fatyga, S Feher, D Fein, T Ferbel, HE Fisk, Y Fisyak, E Flattum, GE Forden, M Fortner, KC Frame, S Fuess, E Gallas, AN Galyaev, P Gartung, V Gavrilov, TL Geld, II RJ Genik, K Genser, CE Gerber, Y Gershtein, B Gibbard, B Gobbi, B Gómez, G Gómez, PI Goncharov, JL González Solís, H Gordon, LT Goss, K Gounder, A Goussiou, N Graf, PD Grannis, DR Green, H Greenlee, S Grinstein, P Grudberg, S Grünendahl, G Guglielmo, JA Guida, JM Guida, A Gupta, SN Gurzhiev, G Gutierrez, P Gutierrez, NJ Hadley, H Haggerty, S Hagopian, V Hagopian, KS Hahn, RE Hall, P Hanlet, S Hansen, JM Hauptman, D Hedin, AP Heinson, U Heintz, R Hernández-Montoya, T Heuring, R Hirosky, JD Hobbs
Abstract:DØ has measured the inclusive production cross section of W and Z bosons in a sample of 13 pb− 1 of data collected at the Fermilab Tevatron. The cross sections, multiplied by their leptonic branching fractions, for production in p p collisions at s= 1.8 TeV are σ W B (W→ e ν)= 2.36±0.02±0.08±0.13 nb, σ W B (W→ μ ν)= 2.09±0.06±0.22±0.11 nb, σ Z B (Z→ e+ e−)= 0.218±0.008±0.008±0.012 nb, and σ Z B (Z→ μ+ μ−)= 0.178±0.022±0.021±0.009 nb, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second systematic; the third reflects the uncertainty in the integrated luminosity. For the combined electron and muon analyses, we find σ W B (W→ l ν)/σ Z B (Z→ l+ l−)= 10.90±0.52. Assuming standard model couplings, we use this result to determine the width of the W boson, and obtain Γ (W)= 2.044±0.097 GeV.