Hard Single Diffraction in P Collisions at =630 and 1800 GeV
V.M. Abazov,B. Abbott,A. Abdesselam,M. Abolins,V. Abramov,B.S. Acharya,D.L. Adams,M. Adams,S.N. Ahmed,G.D. Alexeev,A. Alton,G.A. Alves,E.W. Anderson,Y. Arnoud,C. Avila,M.M. Baarmand,V.V. Babintsev,L. Babukhadia,T.C. Bacon,A. Baden,B. Baldin,P.W. Balm,S. Banerjee,E. Barberis,P. Baringer,J. Barreto,J.F. Bartlett,U. Bassler,D. Bauer,A. Bean,F. Beaudette,M. Begel,A. Belyaev,S.B. Beri,G. Bernardi,I. Bertram,A. Besson,R. Beuselinck,V.A. Bezzubov,P.C. Bhat,V. Bhatnagar,M. Bhattacharjee,G. Blazey,F. Blekman,S. Blessing,A. Boehnlein,N.I. Bojko,T.A. Bolton,F. Borcherding,K. Bos,T. Bose,A. Brandt,R. Breedon,G. Briskin,R. Brock,G. Brooijmans,A. Bross,D. Buchholz,M. Buehler,V. Buescher,V.S. Burtovoi,J.M. Butler,F. Canelli,W. Carvalho,D. Casey,Z. Casilum,H. Castilla-Valdez,D. Chakraborty,K.M. Chan,S.V. Chekulaev,D.K. Cho,S. Choi,S. Chopra,J.H. Christenson,M. Chung,D. Claes,A.R. Clark,L. Coney,B. Connolly,W.E. Cooper,D. Coppage,S. Crépé-Renaudin,M.A.C. Cummings,D. Cutts,G.A. Davis,K. De,S.J. de Jong,M. Demarteau,R. Demina,P. Demine,D. Denisov,S.P. Denisov,S. Desai,H.T. Diehl,M. Diesburg,S. Doulas,Y. Ducros,L.V. Dudko,S. Duensing,L. Duflot,S.R. Dugad,A. Duperrin,A. Dyshkant,D. Edmunds,J. Ellison,J.T. Eltzroth,V.D. Elvira,R. Engelmann,S. Eno,G. Eppley,P. Ermolov,O.V. Eroshin,J. Estrada,H. Evans,V.N. Evdokimov,T. Fahland,D. Fein,T. Ferbel,F. Filthaut,H.E. Fisk,Y. Fisyak,E. Flattum,F. Fleuret,M. Fortner,H. Fox,K.C. Frame,S. Fu,S. Fuess,E. Gallas,A.N. Galyaev,M. Gao,V. Gavrilov,R.J. Genik,K. Genser,C.E. Gerber,Y. Gershtein,R. Gilmartin,G. Ginther,B. Gómez,P.I. Goncharov,H. Gordon,L.T. Goss,K. Gounder,A. Goussiou,N. Graf,P.D. Grannis,J.A. Green,H. Greenlee,Z.D. Greenwood,S. Grinstein,L. Groer,S. Grünendahl,A. Gupta,S.N. Gurzhiev,G. Gutierrez,P. Gutierrez,N.J. Hadley,H. Haggerty,S. Hagopian,V. Hagopian,R.E. Hall,S. Hansen,J.M. Hauptman,C. Hays,C. Hebert,D. Hedin,J.M. Heinmiller,A.P. Heinson,U. Heintz,M.D. Hildreth,R. Hirosky,J.D. Hobbs,B. Hoeneisen,Y. Huang,I. Iashvili,R. Illingworth,A.S. Ito,M. Jaffré,S. Jain,R. Jesik,K. Johns,M. Johnson,A. Jonckheere,H. Jöstlein,A. Juste,W. Kahl,S. Kahn,E. Kajfasz,A.M. Kalinin,D. Karmanov,D. Karmgard,R. Kehoe,A. Khanov,A. Kharchilava,S.K. Kim,B. Klima,B. Knuteson,W. Ko,J.M. Kohli,A.V. Kostritskiy,J. Kotcher,B. Kothari,A.V. Kotwal,A.V. Kozelov,E.A. Kozlovsky,J. Krane,M.R. Krishnaswamy,P. Krivkova,S. Krzywdzinski,M. Kubantsev,S. Kuleshov,Y. Kulik,S. Kunori,A. Kupco,V.E. Kuznetsov,G. Landsberg,W.M. Lee,A. Leflat,C. Leggett,F. Lehner,C. Leonidopoulos,J. Li,Q.Z. Li,J.G.R. Lima,D. Lincoln,S.L. Linn,J. Linnemann,R. Lipton,A. Lucotte,L. Lueking,C. Lundstedt,C. Luo,A.K.A. Maciel,R.J. Madaras,V.L. Malyshev,V. Manankov,H.S. Mao,T. Marshall,M.I. Martin,A.A. Mayorov,R. McCarthy,T. McMahon,H.L. Melanson,M. Merkin,K.W. Merritt,C. Miao,H. Miettinen,D. Mihalcea,C.S. Mishra,N. Mokhov,N.K. Mondal,H.E. Montgomery,R.W. Moore,M. Mostafa,H. da Motta,Y. Mutaf,E. Nagy,F. Nang,M. Narain,V.S. Narasimham,N.A. Naumann,H.A. Neal,J.P. Negret,A. Nomerotski,T. Nunnemann,D. O'Neil,V. Oguri,B. Olivier,N. Oshima,P. Padley,L.J. Pan,K. Papageorgiou,N. Parashar,R. Partridge,N. Parua,M. Paterno,A. Patwa,B. Pawlik,O. Peters,P. Pétroff,R. Piegaia,B.G. Pope,E. Popkov,H.B. Prosper,S. Protopopescu,M.B. Przybycien,J. Qian,R. Raja,S. Rajagopalan,E. Ramberg,P.A. Rapidis,N.W. Reay,S. Reucroft,M. Ridel,M. Rijssenbeek,F. Rizatdinova,T. Rockwell,M. Roco,C. Royon,P. Rubinov,R. Ruchti,J. Rutherfoord,B.M. Sabirov,G. Sajot,A. Santoro,L. Sawyer,R.D. Schamberger,H. Schellman,A. Schwartzman,N. Sen,E. Shabalina,R.K. Shivpuri,D. Shpakov,M. Shupe,R.A. Sidwell,V. Simak,H. Singh,V. Sirotenko,P. Slattery,E. Smith,R.P. Smith,R. Snihur,G.R. Snow,J. Snow,S. Snyder,J. Solomon,Y. Song,V. Sorı́n,M. Sosebee,N. Sotnikova,K. Soustruznik,M. Souza,N.R. Stanton,G. Steinbrück,R.W. Stephens,D. Stoker,V. Stolin,A. Stone,D.A. Stoyanova,M.A. Strang,M. Strauss,M. Strovink,L. Stutte,A. Sznajder,M. Talby,W. Taylor,S. Tentindo-Repond,S.M. Tripathi,T.G. Trippe,A.S. Turcot,P.M. Tuts,V. Vaniev,R. Van Kooten,N. Varelas,L.S. Vertogradov,F. Villeneuve-Seguier,A.A. Volkov,A.P. Vorobiev,H.D. Wahl,H. Wang,Z.-M. Wang,J. Warchol,G. Watts,M. Wayne,H. Weerts,A. White,J.T. White,D. Whiteson,D.A. Wijngaarden,S. Willis,S.J. Wimpenny,J. Womersley,D.R. Wood,Q. Xu,R. Yamada,P. Yamin,T. Yasuda,Y.A. Yatsunenko,K. Yip,S. Youssef,J. Yu,M. Zanabria,X. Zhang,H. Zheng,B. Zhou,Z. Zhou,M. Zielinski,D. Zieminska,A. Zieminski,V. Zutshi,E.G. Zverev,A. Zylberstejn
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/s0370-2693(02)01364-3
IF: 4.95
Physics Letters B
Abstract:Using the D0 detector, we have studied events produced in proton-antiproton collisions that contain large forward regions with very little energy deposition (``rapidity gaps'') and concurrent jet production at center-of-mass energies of root-s = 630 and 1800 Gev. The fractions of forward and central jet events associated with such rapidity gaps are measured and compared to predictions from Monte Carlo models. For hard diffractive candidate events, we use the calorimeter to extract the fractional momentum loss of the scattered protons.