On the New Requirements of Entrepreneurship for the Reconstruction of the Director Liability System:The Perspective of Accurate Accountability,Reasonable Fault Tolerance and Tolerance of Failure Chinese Full Text
DOI: https://doi.org/10.19375/j.cnki.31-2075/d.2023.03.001
Abstract:Based on the basic logic of matching power(right), duty, benefit, liability and risk, the new Company Law should not only improve the differentiated and fair normative system of accountability of directors, but also establish a humanized and reasonable system of liability reduction. The accountability of directors depends on the power, benefit, actual control and influence of their positions, and also depends on the corporate governance. It is necessary to focus on targeting and severely punishing key corporate leaders, and strictly distinguish the roles of independent directors and executive directors. The liability of directors should be mainly based on faulty, with strict liability as the exception. In order to accurately identify the faults of directors, it is recommended to adopt the reasonable person standard that combines legal quotient, moral quotient, IQ and emotional quotient. It is necessary to insist on self-responsibility as the mainstay, supplemented by joint and several liability, which should be universal and modest. The directors should be entitled to recover after assuming joint and several liability. It is necessary to adhere to the principle of limited liability and supplemented by unlimited liability. In general, directors are not responsible for third parties with exceptions. It is recommended to accurately distinguish the personal liability of directors and the corporate liability. The restriction on the agency authority of the legal representative by corporate constitutions or resolutions can be used against the counter party as long as it is registered, filed or publicized. It is proposed to introduce business judgment rule to allow companies to independently exempt or reduce the liability of directors, require directors to bear the minimum liability limit, and introduce D&O insurance system. The accountability mechanism of directors should match the shareholding incentive mechanism.