Common policies of the European Union
I.Yu. Dir
Analytical and Comparative Jurisprudence
Abstract:The article summarizes the main common policies of the European Union. It was found that the common policies of the European Union are based on three main principles: allocation of competences, proportionality and subsidiarity. Common policies in certain areas are based on the fact that only the European Union has the right to adopt laws. Areas where the EU has exclusive powers include: customs union; rules of competitiveness within the single market; monetary policy (for eurozone member states); trade and international agreements; common fisheries policy. In some areas, legislation is adopted by both the EU member states and the EU institutions. It was analysed that such spheres include: the single market; employment and social policy; economic, social and territorial cohesion; agriculture; fishing; environment; consumer rights protection; transport; trans-European networks; energy; justice and fundamental human rights; migration and home affairs; public health; research and space; development cooperation and humanitarian aid. Also, in certain areas, the EU institutions helps member states create legislation, in particular, it concerns the following areas: public health (certain aspects), industry, culture, tourism, education, youth and sports, civil protection and administrative cooperation. In addition, it was found that scientists distinguished the following policies: common agricultural policy, common fisheries policy, rules of competitiveness, common foreign and security policy as the most important. It was analysed that the EU regulations, the Treaty on the European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union are the legal basis of EU common policies. In addition, it was determined that all policies of the European Union are formed on the basis of long-term strategies that contain key directions of development.