Indications for Renal Biopsy [Summary]
A. M. Joekes
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine
Abstract:same on the two sides. In particular an intra. venous pyelogran may be apparently normal in patients with a partial arterial obstruction on one side because a low urine flow on the ischmmic side leads to a relatively greater concentration of the dye in the urine. This does not matter with measurements in the first five minutes or if the ureters are deliberately compressed but it certainly would matter if measurements were made over a longer time. In such an experiment it is the amount of Hypaque still-in the renal pelvis which is being measured and not the total amount which has passed through the kidney. For these reasons we have not felt it worth while to employ labelled Hypaque. At present this technique is a promising novelty but it is unsuitable as a screening test. It is quite possible that the use of other chemical compounds or alterations in technique may surmount some of the difficulties but they appear formidable. The ultimate place of the test may be not as a screenig test but as a more complex procedure which may supplement or replace differential function studies made with ureteric -catheters. Acknowledgments.-This work was performed with Mrs. A. Crook, Senior Physicist at Hammersmith Hospital. We should like to thank Dr. Elizabeth Jones, who synthesized the labelled Diodrast, and Dr. Hugh Belcher for his help with the rat studies. REFERENCES FowLER, J. F., WAKELEY, J. C. N., and LAWREY, J. M. (1959) Personal communication. HODsON, C. J. (1957) Proc. R. Soc. Med., 50, 539. PAGE, I. H., DUSTAN, H. P., and POUTASSE, E. F. (1959) Ann. intern. Med., 51, 196. SERRATro, M., GRAYHACK, J. T., and EARLE, D. P. (1959) Arch. intern. Med., 103, 851. WmnrrER, C. C. (1957) J. Urol., 78, 107. , MAXWELL, M. H., RocKNEY, R. E., and KLEEMAN, C. R. (1959) J. Urol., 82, 674. and TAPLIN, G. V. (1958) J. Urol., 79, 573.