Optimization of electrical properties and radio frequency applications of GeTe thin film
Chen-Yang Shuai,Yue-Jun Zheng,Qiang Chen,Yan-Li Ma,Yun-Qi Fu,College of Electronic Science and Technology, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7498/aps.73.20241019
IF: 0.906
Acta Physica Sinica
Abstract:Author(s): Shuai Chen-Yang, Zheng Yue-Jun, Chen Qiang, Ma Yan-Li, Fu Yun-Qi GeTe belongs to a chalcogenide phase change material, which can dynamically achieve reversible switching between the crystalline state of low resistivity and the amorphous state of high resistivity by utilizing the thermally induced phase change characteristics. The GeTe is an important functional material in the fields of memristors and nonvolatile radio frequency (RF) switches. For RF switch applications, this paper focuses on optimizing the electrical performance of GeTe thin films prepared by magnetron sputtering. By comprehensively analyzing the effects of substrate materials, sputtering conditions, and annealing conditions on the resistivity of crystalline GeTe films, effective conditions for preparing low resistivity GeTe films are explored. Fig. (a) shows that compared with the GeTe film on a SiO<sub<2< (2–3="" (350–400="" (50–80="" (b),="" (c)="" (d),="" 10<sup<6<="" 19="" 1–40="" 2.4="" 3.6×10<sup<–6<="" a="" additionally,="" al<sub<2<="" also="" an="" and="" annealing="" application="" as="" band,="" based="" beneficial="" broadband="" can="" chips="" combination="" constructed.="" crystalline="" crystallinity="" db="" db,="" demonstrating="" deposition="" discrete="" experimental="" field="" fig.="" film="" film,="" film.="" films="" finally,="" for="" frequency="" gete="" ghz="" greater="" high-performance="" higher="" in="" insertion="" is="" isolation="" less="" loss="" low="" lower="" lowest="" medium="" millimeter-wave="" more="" mtorr)="" nonvolatile="" obtain="" of="" on="" p="" parallel="" potential="" power="" prepared="" pressure="" ratio="" reaches="" realize="" rectangular="" resistance="" resistivity="" resistivity.="" results="" rf="" show="" shown="" shows="" static="" sub<="" sub<o<sub<3<="" substrate="" substrate,="" sup<="" sup<.="" switch="" switches. Acta Physica Sinica. 2024 73(19): 190702. Published 2024-10-05</sub<2<>
physics, multidisciplinary