Reply to comment in <a class="link-https" data-arxiv-id="1802.01382" href="">arXiv:1802.01382</a>
T. P. Xiong,L. L. Yan,F. Zhou,K. Rehan,D. F. Liang,L. Chen,W. L. Yang,Z. H. Ma,M. Feng,V. Vedral
Abstract:Here we respond to a comment [<a class="link-https" data-arxiv-id="1802.01382" href="">arXiv:1802.01382</a>] submitted recently on 'Experimental Verification of a Jarzynski-Related Information-Theoretic Equality by a Single Trapped Ion' PRL 120 010601 (2018). We consider that the argument is the thermalization in a quantum system, which is different from the counterpart in conventional thermodynamics.
Quantum Physics