Progress of HEPS Accelerator System Design
Ping He,Jianshe Cao,Fusan Chen,Jinhui Chen,Haiyi Dong,Da‐Yong He,Yi Jiao,Wen Kang,Chunhua Li,Jingyi Li,Fengli Long,Huihua Lu,Xin Qi,Qing Qin,Huamin Qu,Jiuqing Wang,Gang Xu,Junhui Yue,Jing Zhang,Jingru Zhang,Pei Zhang
Abstract:The 4th generation ring-based light sources, HEPS (High Energy Photon Source) 7BA lattice has been developed at IHEP. This is 6Gev, 200mA machine which has horizontal emittance Ɛh around 34pm.rad to gain the high brilliance photon beam. this compact lattice design bring so many engineering challenges for accelerator magnets, vacuum components, beam instrumentation, etc. This paper will present the novel lattice design and subsystem design progress. FACILITY OVERVIEW The new facility HEPS will be placed at a “green field” site just about 80km away from Beijing. An S-band linear accelerator equipped with an RF photocathode gun will accelerate electrons up to an energy of 500MeV. And then, the electron beam will be injected into the booster through the low energy transport line(LTB, linac to booster) which is about 25m in length. The electron beam will be accelerated from 500MeV to 6GeV during the circling around the booster. The electron beam finally feed into the storage ring at 6GeV. Between the booster and storage ring, there are two high energy transfer lines, one is BTS(booster to storage ring), the other is STB(storage ring to booster), both are about 105m. The booster has two functions: the first one is accelerate the e-beam from 500MeV to 6GeV, the second one will accept the e-beam from storage ring, merge into the existing bunch in the booster, it will re-injected into the storage ring after the completion of e-beam accumulation. Due to the small dynamic aperture, the on-axis swap-out injection scheme will be used as the base line design. THE LINEAR ACCELERATOR For the simple and robust design solution, normal conducting bunching and accelerating structures are employed in the linac to provide a pulse charge up to 7 nC. A relatively low accelerate gradient 20MeV/m was chosen with economically optimizing consideration. At the exit of the linac, the beam energy is 500 MeV and the normalized emittance is 40 μmrad. The layout is shown in Fig.1. Figure 1: Linac system layout. THE BOOSTER The booster of the HEPS is designed with a four-fold symmetric lattice, which is shown in Fig.2. FODO cells are used in each of the four arcs. The circumference of the booster is about 454 m. At extraction energy, 6 GeV, the typical beam emittance is 32 nmrad, and can be further optimized to 16 nmrad by adjusting the strength of the magnets. The booster is not only used to boost the beam energy, but also accumulate charges at the extraction energy. Combining the charges from the linac and storage ring, the booster could provide a single-bunch charge up to 15 nC for the storage ring. Figure 2: The optics function of 1⁄4 booster. THE STORAGE RING 24 dual 7-BA cell (Fig.3) with antibends and superbends, alternating high and low-beta sections are used for achieving an ultralow electron beam emittance[1]. The lattice design was iterating with the accelerator hardwares, for instance: magnet lengths, strength limited based on the material properties, gaps between magnets(necessary space), vacuum chamber transverse dimensions, photon exit port clearance, and so on. Figure 3: Storage ring achromat. 10th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. IPAC2019, Melbourne, Australia JACoW Publishing ISBN: 978-3-95450-208-0 doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2019-MOPRB027 MC2: Photon Sources and Electron Accelerators A24 Accelerators and Storage Rings, Other MOPRB027 633 Co nt en tf ro m th is w or k m ay be us ed un de rt he te rm so ft he CC BY 3. 0 lic en ce (© 20 19 ). A ny di str ib ut io n of th is w or k m us tm ai nt ai n at tri bu tio n to th e au th or (s ), tit le of th e w or k, pu bl ish er ,a nd D O I