Commentary on the Italian Civil Code:History,Structure and Function
Francesco Paolo Patti,Xu Lingbo
Abstract:Italian code commentaries can be divided externally into super-large, large, medium, and small commentaries, with each type of code commentary playing an important role in theory and practice. Historically, influenced by the culture of German code commentaries, Italian code commentaries shifted from a purely textual exegesis to Pandekten systematic method. In addition to code commentaries, large textbooks and encyclopedias of legal science are also very important forms of legal science documents in Italy. Thus, from the perspective of Rechtsvergleichung, the importance of Italian code commentaries lies somewhere between that of Germany and France in Italian legal culture. On the one hand, the commentaries are considered to be an optimal tool for bridging theory and practice, playing an important role in legal theory, practical judgment and legislation, but on the other hand, they are less original than monographs. With the increasing number of legal science publications, code commentary is increasingly challenged.