Knowledge and Information:Learning Cost and Transactional Cost
Liu Hongwei,Wu Guisheng,He Jinsheng
Abstract:Literatures analysis shows that,with the recognization penetrating into information and knowledge,the transaction cost theory can not explain the cost produced in the process of knowledge transfer.Whether implicit knowledge or explicit knowledge,it is not equivalent to information.Knowledge acquisition process is a learning process,which not only requires time,but also needs to consume resources,which constitutes the learning cost.When the hypothesis of dissymmetrical distributing of information substituted for that of symmetrical distributing,the so-called information paradigm came forth in economics.Now if the notion of learning cost based on the hypothesis of asymmetrical distributing of both information and knowledge is introduced,well then many economic phenomena such as externalization of implicit knowledge,SECI model,core competencies,strategic alliances,industrial clusters and so on,will have a general and logic foundation of economics.