Y. He,Z. J. Wang,B. Zhang,S. H. Zhang,XU Z.,W. Wu,J. X. Wu,Z. M. Zhang,J. H. Zhang,J. Meng,A. M. Shi,Z. Z. Zhou,H. W. Zhao,H. S. Xu
Abstract:A 10 MeV superconducting proton linac is being design and constructing at Institute of Modern Physics (IMP) of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). This proton linac is one of two injectors for Chinese ADS project. It is to validate one of concepts technical baseline for C-ADS front end, to demonstrate the low beta acceleration, to minimize the risk of key technologies within the Reference Design. It consists of a 2.1 MeV RFQ and two cryomodules hosting 8 HWR cavities. The basic frequency is 162.5 MHz. The physical design of linac and the progress of prototypes for solid-state amplifiers, superconducting solenoids, superconducting HWRs, ion source, and RFQ are presented in the paper. INTRODUCTION The China ADS (C-ADS) project [1] is a strategic plan to solve the nuclear waste problem and the resource problem for nuclear power plants in China. The road map is shown in Figure 1. It is a long-term planning till 2032. In the first five years (phase I), the goal of the project is to do the research of key components. The prototypes of high stability proton source, RFQ [2], superconducting cavities and the relative hardware will be developed. A superconducting linac with ~30 MeV proton beam will be demonstrated. The accelerator for C-ADS is a superconducting proton linac. It consists of two injectors with energy of 10 MeV, and a main linac. The two injectors will be identical and hot spare during operation. It is the redundancy of low energy section of accelerator. Due to the technology on low energy superconducting linac is unqualified, the injectors of C-ADS will follow two concept designs. The injector I bases on spoke cavities and frequency of 325 MHz, and the injector II bases on HWR cavities [3] and the frequency of 162.5 MHz. The two injectors will be constructed in parallel by the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) and Institute of Modern Physics (IMP) separately. Table 1: Main Specifications of C-ADS Item Quantity Unit Energy 1.5 GeV Current 10 mA Beam power 15 MW RF frequency (162.5)/325/650 MHz Duty factor 100 % Beam loss < 1 W/m Figure 1: Road map of C-ADS. PROGRESS OF PROTOTYPES Conceptual Physics Design The layout of injector II is shown in Figure 2. The accelerator for C-ADS will operate in CW mode. That is a challenge for RFQ design. Considering the possible thermal-problem of the RFQ, the basic frequency of injector II is selected as 162.5 MHz, the half of frequency of injector I. The main design parameters of injector II for C-ADS proton linear accelerator are listed in Table 2. Figure 2: Layout of injector II for C-ADS. ___________________________________________ *Work supported by the “Strategic Priority Research Program – Green Nuclear Energy: ADS Transmutation System” of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Grant No. XDA03020102 Proceedings of LINAC2012, Tel-Aviv, Israel THPB027 02 Proton and Ion Accelerators and Applications 2A Proton Linac Projects ISBN 978-3-95450-122-9 909 C op yr ig ht c ○ 20 12 by th e re sp ec tiv e au th or s— cc C re at iv e C om m on sA tt ri bu tio n 3. 0 (C C B Y 3. 0) Table 2: Main Specifications of Injector II Energy (MeV) Focusing elements RF cavity Length (m) ECR 0.035 LEBT 0.035 2 r.t. sols 1.6 RFQ 0.035~2.1 4-vane 4.2 MEBT 2.1 7 r.t. quads 2 r.t. QWRs 2.5 scDTL 2.1~5~10 18 sc sols 16 sc HWRs 14.95 LEBT The lattice design of LEBT is upgraded for adding a chopper system. This is because beam chopping is very important for the commissioning of the C-ADS linac, when one increases the beam duty factor from very low to 100% step by step. After having studied the very short pulse length operation mode (down to 10 or 20 us) for commissioning the superconducting cavities and the neutralization effect in the LEBT, we found that a chopper at the LEBT end is necessary, significantly better than just using the pulsing of the ion source. The detail layout of the chopping system is shown in Figure 3. Figure 3: Schematic layout of the fast chopper at LEBT. The chopping system is located between the second solenoid and the RFQ. The hardware of LEBT has been fabricated. The beam commissioning will be by the end of 2012. RFQ The Injector II RFQ is designed to accelerate proton from 0.035MeV to 2.1MeV at 162.5MHz. The main parameters are summarized in Table 3. The mechanical structure is shown in Figure 4. Figure 4: Mechanical structure of RFQ Table 3: Main Design Parameters for the Injector-II RFQ Parameter Value Inter-vane voltage V (kV) 65 Average bore radius r0 (cm) 0.5731 Vane tip curvature (cm) 0.4298