Practically Scalable Floorplanning with Voltage Island Generation
Song Chen,Xiaolin Zhang,Takeshi Yoshimura
Abstract:In this paper, we propose a method of floorplanning with voltage island generation for system-on-chips (SoC) designs, which is deeply coupled with voltage island partitioning and voltage assignment, and has a good scalability. Floorplans with voltage islands are represented using nested Sequence Pairs, where the cores involved in the same voltage island consecutively appear in the sequences. Starting from a randomly generated initial floorplan, where each non chip-level core occupies an individual voltage island, we iteratively improve the solution by removing a core from the floorplan, then, inserting back the core by trying all the possible O(n 2 ) block positions , which are defined as the combinations of insertion points and voltage islands. An almost linear algorithm is devised to roughly but quickly filter many worse block positions , in each iteration, considering fixed-outline constraints, wirelength, power, power/ground routing resources, and level shifters. Compared with the latest work, the proposed method shows 9.74% and 21.04% improvements respectively on the wirelength and power when all the blocks are hard. When soft blocks are involved, the proposed method shows 12.38% wirelength reduction and 3.10% more power saving with a penalty of 7.5% whitespace. Moreover, more than 20X speedups can be obtained for the large test cases.