Core position of occlusion, gnathology and related diagnosis and treatment principles that must be followed in stomatology

Abstract:This article discussed, in the following three aspeccts, the standing of occlusion, gnathology and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) in stomatology. And meanwhile highlighted the important meanings for every stomatologists. Firstly, from the history of dentistry or stomatology, the establishment of occlusion and gnathology drived the transformation of dentistry from a craft practice into an independent profession and discipline. Secondly, from the evolution of occlusion, jaw, and TMJ, this article clarified the distinctiveness and uniqueness of occlusion, jaw and TMJ that made modern human beings the most highly endowed. Thirdly, teeth and other oral organs not only have masticatory and digestive functions but also possess more complex social functions. Stomatognathic system is a more accurate conception than oral organs which is usually called. The conception of stomatognathic system gives a clearer sense of wholeness and more beneficial for accurate diagnosis and treatment of occlusion-related diseases as well as temporomandibular disorders. Finally, the author introduced five common examples regarding medical care and patient-doctor relationships in order to further emphasize the significance of the study of occlusion, gnathology and TMJ. It is necessary for not only general stomatoloaists but also other dental specialists in stomatology to clearly understand the principal theories and proficiently master the management capability on occlusion, gnathology and temporomandibular disorders.
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