Study on Membrane Gas Absorption for CO2 Removal

FAN Zhifeng,LIU Guangchun,WANG Zhi,YUAN Li,WANG Shichang
Abstract:The process of CO2absorbedin hollowfiber membrane absorbers was studied using MEAaqueous so-lution as absorbent.Aseries of hollowfiber membrane modules with different packing fraction were made forthe absorption experi ments.The parametersthat have effects onthe CO2removal inthe process wereinvestigat-ed,including gas andliquidflowrates,MEAconcentrationinthe absorbent,CO2concentrationinthefeed gas,and the packing fraction of membrane modules.In addition,the effect of recyclingthe absorbent was also stud-ied.The experi ments showthat the CO2absorptionfluxincreases withincreasing gas andliquid flowrates andconcentration of the absorbent.Increasing CO2concentrationinthe gas phase leads to a reductioninthe overallmass transfer coefficient.With the sameinlet gas andliquid volumetric flowrate,the fractional removal of CO2(%) increases when the packing fraction of membrane modules increases from0.5 %to 21 %.The results alsoshowthat the CO2absorptionflux and fractional removal of CO2decrease withincreasing the ti mes of recyclingthe absorbent.
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