Particle Transport Investigation in HL-2 A Using ECRH and SMBI
X. L. Zou,W. W. Xiao,S. D. Song,X. T. Ding,J. Rao,J. Zhou,M. Huang,L. C. Li,D. L. Yu,L. H. Yao,B. B. Feng,C. Y. Chen,X. M. Song,Y. Zhou,Z. T. Liu,H. J. Sun,Z. B. Shi,Y. G. Li,X. Q. Ji,Yi Liu,L. W. Yan,Q. W. Yang,J. Q. Dong,X. R. Duan
Abstract:Experiments have been performed in HL-2A with ECRH and SMBI for particle transport investigation. The ECRH driven density pump-out phe nomenon (negative density perturbation) in the cent ral region has been observed, and also a positive densi ty perturbation in the peripheral region. The edge ensity increases is due to the out-gassing caused by ECRH. orrelation between the turbulence increase and th e ensity pump-out has been found. Turbulence reduction has b een observed during the pump-out/pinch transition. Strong asymmetry for the negative and positive density per turbation propagation has been observed, which is v ery similar to that observed in cold and hot pulse heat transport. The outward convection (negative veloci ty) has been observed during pump-out transient phase. The particle transport during constant ECRH phase is al so investigated with SMBI modulation. The convective v elocity is outward for low density in both ECRH and OH regimes, and the absolute value of the convective v elocity is much larger in ECRH than in OH.