Lai Zheng
Abstract:In this paper 8 new species of Chinesp Lygaeidae are described. Type speci-mens except specially noted are deposited in the Biology Ddpartment of NankaiUniversity. All the measurements in desceriptions are in mm. Acanthocrompus chinensis, sp. nov. (fig.1). Length (?) 6.0 mm, purpulish brown; lst and 2nd antennal segments yellowishbrown, 3rd and 4th segment brown; pronotal posterior lobe yellowish brown medial-ly, with a rather broad Purpulish brown longitudinal median line; corium yellowishbrown, with brown apical margin. Femur with 4 spines, the basal one being the lar-gest. Length of antennal segmepts Ⅰ0.27,Ⅱ0.77,Ⅲ0.77,Ⅳ0.72. Distinguished from A. grandis Scudder by coloration of pronotum, length propor-tion of antennal segments, ete. Holotype g: Hainan. Pylorgus orientalis, sp. nov. (fig. 2) Length (?) 4.9--5.1mm. Allied to P. selangus Scudder and P. calliferus Scud-der, with membrane of hemelytra lacking black spot, but the pronotal posterior lobewith only 2 yellow smooth protuberances, 4th antennal segment with light annulation,and rostrum rather long, extending to the center of 3rd abdominal segment. Holotype ?: Guangdong; paratypes: 2? Guangdong; 1.? Hainan Pylorgus porrectus, sp. nov. (figs.3--6). Length: (?) 5.4mm, (?) 5.4mm. Head porrect, the length of the portion an-terior to eyes more than 2×of eye length. Antennal segments length: Ⅰ0.33,Ⅱ0.84,Ⅲ 0.86, Ⅳ 0.96. Rostrum very long, extending beyond half of the abdomen.Pronotum less declivent, yellowish brown, With light bluish tint, smooth protuberan-ces posterior to callus indistinct or small, lacking on posterior lobe. Vein R + M ofbemelytra with subbasal spot, membrane with a small black spot. Dorsal view of malepygophore and inner view of clasper as shown in fig. 5 6. Close to P. longirostris Bergroth, but darker, 2nd antennal segment amch shor-ter (shorter than width of head, and less than 3×of the length of the lst antennalsegment), and vein R + M being dark colored subbasally. Holotype ?, allotype ?, paratype ?: Fnjian. Pylorgus sordidus, sp. nov.Length: (?) 5.1mm. Yellowish brown. to brown, dull, posterior lobe of prono tum greyish blue, punctures blackish brown, evenly distributed, the protuberancesposterior to eallud indistinct and covered with dark punctures. Clavus and coriumsomewhat opaque, vein R + M with subbasal spot, punctures along the apical halfof R + M and on the apical corial brown spot dark, distinct; black spot on membrane transversely located. Femur brown, with only the basis and apex light-colored.Rostrum extending to base of abdomen. Head length 0.81, width 0.86, interocular space 0.50; antennal segments length:Ⅰ0.32,Ⅱ 0.64, Ⅲ 0.66, Ⅳ0.50; pronotal length 1.21, width 1.89; scutellum length0.77, width 0:86; claval commissure length 0.48, claval apex to corium apex 1.23, co-rium apex to membrane apex 1.01. Allied to P. indicus Scudder, but laiger, tbe coloration and length proportionof antennal segments also different. Holotype ?: Szechuan, paratypes 3?: Szechuan. Oxycarenus rubrothoracicus, sp. nov.(fign. 7--10). Length: (?) 4.6 mm. Black, pronotum red, with a large triangular black patchpostero-medially; clavus blackish; brown; corium light yellowish brown, sub-hyaline,apical angle with a small black apot; legs blackish brown, hind tibia with light an-nulation. Pronotum with anterior margin a little restricted, collar-shaped, lateral marginsinuate medially; costa of corium nearly straight, apical margin slightly arched. An-terior femora with 5 spines, 2 of which rather large. Male pygofore and appenda-ges as shown in fig. 9 10. Holotype ?: Yunnan. The remarkable coloration of pronotum, large body size, and femoral spines di-stinguish this new species from other Oxycarenus. Oxycarenus brunneus, sp. nov. (figs. 11--13) Length: (?) 3.3 mm., (?) 3.5 mm. Orange-brown, head and pronotum coveredwith yellowish brown decumbent pubescence; 3rl and 4th. antennal segments darkbrown; corium light yellow to yellowish brown, apex a little darker, membranesmoky. Head length 0.53, width 0.53, interocular space 0.35; antennal segments l