Jian Li
Abstract:This with the descriptions of six new species of the Hemiptera-Heterop-tera collected from Xizang. All the holotype and allotype and part of the paratypespecimens are deposited in the Northwest Plateau Institute of Biology of AcademiaSinica unless otherwise indicated. Megacopta fimbrilla, sp. nov. (figs. 1-3) Body rotundate, black, somewhat shining. Base of antennae, anterior half of headabove and spot behind the base of central lobe, two longitudinal lines on each lateral sideof pronotum, scutellum with margins and lateral parts at base, baso-costal margins ofhemelytra, head beneath, rostrum, legs, lateral margins and broad radiate fascia on each side of venter yellowish brown. ? Length 3.61-3.74 mm, width 3.48-3.83 mm. Length of antennal segments 0.26:0.09:0.42:0.44:0.53 mm. Rostrum reaching middle of 2nd abdominal segments, lengthof segments 0.35:0.62:0.44:0.48 mm. Inner stripe on the lateral of pronotum long. Ven-tral fascia about 1/3 the width of abdomen. Length of gonotreme 0.48 mm, width0.67 mm. Female larger than male. Holotype: ?, allotype: ?, paratypes: 7?? 4??, Xizang: Chayu Xian, Ⅶ 25-27,1973. (part of the paratypes in the Department of Biology, Nankai University). Very closely allied to M. fimbriata, but ventral radiate fascia longer, with pun-ctures and central transverse stripes; genital segment of male differently formed, seefig. 3. Elasmucha xizangensis, sp. nov. (figs. 4-5) ? body elliptical, length 7.85 mm, blackish brown, shining; dorsal side yellow, withblackish brown spot-stripes. Thorax beneath pale, each side of mesosternal ridgeblack. Body densely and coarsely punctate, the punctation very dense above the an-terior coxal cavity. This species is allied to E. signoreti Scott, but it differs in the pronotal lateralmargins more concave at the middle, lateral angle curved backward, corium coarselyand unevenly punctate; median hairs on the posterior margin of genital sternite sparseand shorter, teeth on the lateral margins larger, claspers with basal half broader (fig.5). Holotype: ?, Xizang: Bomi, Ⅵ 6, 1973. Homoeocerus (Anacanthocoris) bicoloripes, sp. nov. (figs. 6-7) Allied to H. striicornis Scott, but first antennal segment without longitudinal blackstripe; black limbi on pronotum incomplete; rostrum shorter, 3rd segment a little longerthan 2nd; head above and pronotum densely covered with black granules; posteriormargin of 7th abdominal sternite of female sinuately dilated on both sides of centralfissure (fig. 6). ? Length 18.50 mm, width of abdomen at apex of scutellum 4.90mm; ? length 14.85mm, width of abdomen 3.95 mm, posterior margin of genital segment as in fig. 7. Bodyyellowish green, clothed with short yellow hairs. Holotype: ?, allotype: ?, Xizang: Chayu, Ⅶ 18, 1973. Homoeocerus (Anacanthocoris) unicolor, sp. nov. (figs. 8-9) Allied to H. bicoloripes, sp. nov., but head above and pronotum without blackgranules, lateral margins of pronotum more rough, antero-lateral side of first antennalsegment black, hemelytra with sparse and coarse large punctures. It differs from H.striicornis Scott by antennae and pronotum without black stripe, lateral angles ofpronotum upwardly recurved, posterior margin of genital segment produced at middlein a harelip form (fig. 8). Holotype: ?, allotype: ?, Xizang: Chayn, Ⅶ 14, 1973. Parascadra nigra, sp. nov. (fig. 10) Black, shining. Hemelytra fascous. Two spot-stripes at apical margins of corium, base of connexival segments, and areas around the abdominal spiracles yellow. Length 11.5 mm, breadth of abdomen 4.49 mm. Anteocular part of head subequalto postocular part in length; length of 1st antennal segment 1.38 mm, of 2nd 1.94mm(rest wanting). Ratio of length of anterior pronotal lobe to posterior lobe 10: 11. Lengthof apical prongs of scutellum 0.22mm, distance between two prongs 0.42mm, with twodenticles. Hemelytra not reaching apex of abdomen, connexivum largely exposed. Holotype: ?, Xizang: Tangma of Bomi, Ⅵ 6, 1973. This species is distinguished from P. rubida Hsiao by the following characters: bodysmaller, eyes more prominent, central lo
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