Cryptococcal pneumonia, fungemia with eosinophilia in immunocompetent host:a case report and review of literatur
Xuqing Ji,Haiming Wang,Zhenyi Ma,Fucheng Ye
Abstract:Objective To explore the relationship and treatment of eosinophil cells and pulmonary cryptococcosis, cryptococcal fungemia in immunocompetent host. To improve the understanding of pulmonary cryptococcosis and cryptococcal fungemia.Methods To report a patient suffering from pulmonary cryptococcosis, fungemia and eosinophilia in an immunocompetent host. Confirmed by pathology and blood culture, and relevant literature was reviewed. ‘Cryptococcus’ and ‘fungemia’, ‘Cryptococcus’ and ‘eosinophil cell’ as the Chinese keywords, to retrieve the literature from Wanfang database and CHKD Chinese Journal Full-text database, ‘Cryptococcus’ and ‘eosinophilia’, ‘Cryptococcus’ and ‘fungemia’ as the English keywords, to retrieve the literature from PubMed, Elsevier, Springer, Wiley, OVID and EBSCO database, by the end of September 2013. Results A 33 years old male patient was admitted to hospital on September 15, 2013, suspected ‘pneumonia, bronchial asthma’ with the chief complaint ‘fever, cough, dyspnea of 1 week’. Peripheral blood EC ratio was 0.31, the EC count was 6.12×109/L. But it was ineffective with the treatment of broad-spectrum antibiotics and oral corticosteroids. He was finally diagnosed cryptococcus neoformans bacteremia, cryptococcal pneumonia after transbronchial needle aspiration (TBNA) and blood culture. It was invalid with the treatment of Fluconazole and Flucytosine after 2 weeks. The patient was treated with Amphotericin B and Fluorocytosine for 2 months, with the clinical symptoms were gradually relieved. Fluconazole and Flucytosine were treated in the next 2 months. Because the symptoms of patients were recurrent, the treatment was changed for Voriconazole. After 1 year maintenance treatment, and follow-up had not relapse again. A total of 93 relevant articles were searched in all the database. There were 6 cases about cryptococcus bacteremia and (or) disseminated cryptococcosis with normal immunological status were reported, All of the patients were related with fever. Eosinophil cells had the varying degree of increases except 1 patient. All of the patients were improved after treatment except 1 patient was dead.Conclusions The increase of peripheral blood EC may be the characteristics of the early or acute stage in cryptococcus neoformans children patients or disseminated cryptococcosis immunocompetent host, and can be used as improved cryptococcosis and repeated a hint. The preferred treatment should choose standard solution, and Voriconazole can be used as one of the alternatives for refractory cryptococcosis.