Coaxial coupler for x-band photocathode rf gun *
Xiaohan Liu,Chuanxiang Tang,Jiaqi Qiu,Jiaru Shi
Abstract:The X-band photocathode RF gun can be utilized to generate electron beams with ultra-low emittance. In this paper, we present the design of a coaxial coupler for the X-band RF gun to avoid the emittance growth caused by field asymmetries. A detailed 3D simulation of the coupler is performed. The microwave circuit analysis is accomplished, and the relationship between the coupling factor and the coaxial coupler size is obtained. This paper likewise presents the beam dynamics parameters of the Xband RF gun with a coaxial coupler. INTRODUCTION Ultra-short and ultra-low emittance electron bunches are being actively developed as new research tools in biology, materials, chemistry science and in other fields. Several studies have shown that the photocathode RF gun can be utilized to generate high-energy ultra-fast electron beams for electron diffraction. Because of the high electric-field gradient, the space charge effects are greatly suppressed in the photocathode RF gun. The X-band RF gun has several advantages over the S-band RF gun [1], including a smaller size and the ease with which it obtains a higher accelerating field. Therefore, an X-band (9.300 GHz) RF gun is being developed [2]. A coaxial coupler is designed for this X-band RF gun to avoid field asymmetries. The RF power in a typical RF gun is fed through a waveguide connected to the full cell by a coupling slot. Previous studies [3] reported that this side coupling to the full cell causes a field asymmetry which significantly deteriorates the transverse emittance [4]. The emittance growth can be suppressed by adopting the coaxial coupler, and the solenoid can be installed outside the full cell instead of at the gun exit to obtain better compensation of the emittance formation caused by the space charge effects. The design of coupler structure plays an important rule in physics design of electron gun. A optimized coupler size is needed to achieve the critical coupling. In this paper, the 3D model of the coaxial coupler is presented. The method for calculating RF coupling between the waveguide ports and the RF gun with the coaxial coupler is described, and the scanned curve of the coupling factor for different coupler structures is shown. By comparing these results with those of microwave circuit analysis, we obtain the optimized structure of the coaxial coupler. THE PRELIMINARY DESIGN The preliminary designed structure of the X-band photocathode RF gun with a coaxial coupler is shown in Figure 1. The power is fed through the upper rectangle waveguide port, passed through both a coaxial-waveguide junction and a segment of the coaxial line, and then into the RF gun while the lower port is short circuited. Figure 1: 3D model of the X-band RF gun with a coaxial coupler. The 3D beam dynamics of the RF gun was simulated by PARMELA [5]. An increase of about 10% in emittance was obtained in an RF gun with a typical side coupling compared with a symmetric RF gun. The solenoid is installed outside the full cell, as shown in Figure 1, to obtain better compensation of the emittance formation caused by the space charge effects. 3D SIMULATION The coupling factor was calculated by a transient analysis in a 3D EM simulation software[6]. A pulse signal was fed to the electron gun through the coupler, and the decay curve of the stored energy in the electron gun can be monitored as: ) / 2 ( 0 e Q t f t e W W π − = . We can get: ) / ln( / 2 0 W W ft Q t e π − = . The decay portion of the curve became linear in logarithm scale, and we can obtain Qe from the slope of the curve. Q0 is calculated for the specified gun structure. Taking into account that β = Q0/Qe, the coupling factor can be calculated. The relationship between the coupler size and the coupling factor is investigated by using the method above. Figure 2 gives the coupling curves for different lengths of the short waveguide opposite the power coupling hole (Fig. 2(a)) and the coaxial line (Fig. 2(b)) over a range of one wavelength. The curves show a periodic change, and the period is a half wavelength. In order to achieve critical coupling, a short waveguide of 33 mm and the coaxial ___________________________________________ *Work supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China and National Basic Research Program of China(973 Program) Proceedings of PAC09, Vancouver, BC, Canada TU6RFP064 Accelerator Technology Subsystems T28 Subsystems, Technology and Components, Other 1693 line of 25.5 mm was chosen. Figure 3 shows the coupling curve and the emittance sensitivity for different beam apertures, and the optimized beam aperture of 2 mm is obtained. Figure 2(a): Coupling with respect to the length of the short waveguide opposite the power coupling hole. Figure 2(b): Coupling with respect to the length of coaxial line. Figure 3: Coupling curve and emittance sensitivity with respect to beam aperture. MICROWAVE CIRCUIT ANALYSIS Preliminary microwave circuit analysis of the coaxial coupler was carried out. The equivalent circuit model was established and the transmission line theory was utilized to analyse the relationship between the coupler size and the microwave parameters [7]. The theoretical analysis was compared with the simulation results to determine the optimal size of the coupler. For a three-port structure, the matrix of the S-parameter is: