LLRF System Considerations for a Compact, Commercial C-band Accelerator using the AMD Xilinx RF-SoC
J. Einstein-Curtis,J. Edelen,B. Gur,M. Henderson,G. Khalsa,M. Kilpatrick,R. O'Rourke,R. Augustsson,A. Diego,A. Smirnov,S. Thielk,B. Hong,Z. Li,C. Liu,J. Merrick,E. Nanni,L. Ruckman,S. Tantawi,F. Zuo
Abstract:This work describes the LLRF and control system in use for a novel accelerator structure developed for a compact design operating in C-band developed by SLAC, with collaboration from RadiaBeam and RadiaSoft. This design is a pulsed RF/pulsed beam system that only provides minimal monitoring for control of each two-cavity pair. Available signals include only a forward and reflected signal for each pair; such a design requires careful consideration of calibration and power-on routines, as well an understanding of how to correct for disturbances caused by the entire RF signal chain, including a new SSA, klystron, and distribution system. An AMD Xilinx RF-SoC with a separate supervisory computer is the LLRF system core, with on-board pulse-to-pulse feedback corrections. This work presents the current status of the project, as well as obstacles and manufacturing plans from the viewpoint of developing for larger-volume manufacturing.
This material is based upon work supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency under Contract Numbers 140D0423C0006 and 140D0423C0007. The views, opinions, and/or findings expressed are those of the author(s) and should not be interpreted as representing the official views or policies of the Department of Defense or the U.S. Government.
Accelerator Physics