The Deviation of Thermal Conductivity under Different Operating Power is Analyzed by Linear Heat Source Superposition Method
Shenyang Geological Survey Center of China Geological Survey,Su XiaoSi,Li Xiao,Sun QiFa
Arabian Journal of Geosciences
Abstract:Heat conductivity and multiple correlation coefficients of various drill holes under high and low-power levels were acquired through the field heat response test, so as to capture heat exchanging performances of the ground heat pump system. Moreover, by analyzing the changing characteristics of heat conductivity with IGSHPA linear heat source model, significant deviations were found between test results of heat conductivity when the high and low-power tests are conducted at short intervals, which was resulted from the influence of the residual temperature field of the first test on the second test, that is, the temperature is not returned to the initial temperature yet. Deviation caused by short test intervals between high and low-power test results can be eliminated by the line-source superposition method. In addition, by introducing the time function, the exact value of heat conductivity obtained by the second test can be solved with the utilization of linear relationship between the time function and the average temperature of the fluid. The dependence of fitting the linear heat source was verified. By calculating the linear regression of important parameters in the linear heat source superposition method, the linear fitting upon processing is characterized by good degree of fitting, small temperature deviation, and significant linear correlation. The linear heat source superposition method was proven to be reliable and accurate. Also, the analysis result shows that there is no need to process data using the linear heat source superposition method when two tests are conducted at long intervals.