Shi Ji and the Biography of Historians
ZHU Dong-run
Abstract:This article is an unpublished manuscript of the late Professor Zhu Dongrun,probably written in June,1940. Before that Professor Zhu had finished his Shiji kaosuo( textual research of Shiji) as part of his teaching arrangement,but he concerned more about the biographical literature in ancient China. He wrote Revolution of Biographic Literature,including this article,which is a monograph on biographies and entire books. This article comes to the scope of official history, discusses about the relation and differences between historical biography and biographical literature,and gives insight into Guanyan liezhuan,Weigongzi zhuan,Weiqi wuanhou zhuan,and the pros and cons of the biographic narration in Xiangyu benji and Liubang benji( emperors' biography). It is one of the best works during Professor Zhu's academic peak,vigorously and critically written,with meticulous analysis and deep insights. A mind integrated the West and East,the past and present is demonstrated in the article.