New Possibilities for Joint Calculation of a Boiler and Its Dust Systems
V. M. Supranov,G. I. Doverman,I. G. Petrov,K. A. Pleshanov
Thermal Engineering
Abstract:Modern pulverized coal boilers and individual pulverization systems serving them are distinguished by high complexity, high metal consumption, and a wide range of physical and chemical processes occurring in them. The components of the drying agent or transport medium are formed from the heating media used in the boiler. The withdrawal of a part of the heat carriers from the boiler ducts into the pulverization systems affects the course of heat exchange processes and, ultimately, the boiler efficiency and fuel consumption. As a result, dust systems have a significant impact on the thermal operation of the boiler, while the boiler itself impacts the operation of the dust systems. If the thermal calculation of the boiler is carried out without taking this circumstance into account, the error in the flue gas temperature can reach 25–30°C and 1.5–2.0% in terms of efficiency. Therefore, when designing new or when studying the operation of existing boiler plants, the urgent task is to carry out a joint thermal calculation of a pulverized coal boiler and its dust systems, which is practically impossible without the use of computer programs. Until now, two programs were used in Russia for this: one for the thermal calculations of the boiler and the other for calculating the dust systems, while the communication between them was carried out by the user. But such a technology for conducting a joint calculation has many disadvantages; they are indicated in the article. An analysis of these shortcomings shows that most of them can be eliminated if the joint calculation of the boiler and dust systems is performed in one program. Software package Boiler Designer, widely used both in Russia and abroad, is built on an object-oriented principle, which allows its expansion through the creation of new elements. The Vacuum System element was developed and a new version of the program was released, allowing this joint calculation to be carried out. Large-scale testing of the program was successful and showed that it became easier, more convenient, and faster to carry out the calculation than using the old technology using two programs. At the same time, labor intensity is reduced by at least two times.
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