More Efficiently Modeling and Utilizing Geometrical Information for Better Forming of Aircraft Sheet Metal Parts
Junbiao Wang,Xiaoning Han,Chuang Liu
Xibei Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University
Abstract:Existing methods concerning forming of aircraft sheet metal parts are, in our opinion, quite deficient in effectively modeling and utilizing geometrical information, causing quality to be lower than attainable and cost to be higher than necessary. We try to remedy this situation in this paper. In the full paper, we explain our modeling and utilizing geometrical information in detail; in this abstract, we just add some pertinent remarks to listing the five topics of explanation; (1) the flowchart of defining geometrical information of multi-state model, (2) the modeling of geometrical information of sheet metal parts, (3) the defining of geometrical information of the workpiece forming state, (4) the surface development based on structure elements, and (5) the development and application of the multi-state geometrical information definition system; in topic 1, we explain the seven steps in the flowchart, which are the inputting of design model, the devising of states, the defining of the workpiece forming state, the defining of the product state, the reconfiguring of part model, the defining of intermediate workpiece state, and the calculation of the development of sheet blank; in topic 2, we explain first how to express geometrical information using tree and then to represent geometrical information using XML (extensible Markup Language); in topics 3 and 4, we give Table 1 in the full paper that lists additional structure elements for some sheet metal parts and then we give Table 2 that lists the methods of surface development corresponding to various structure elements; in topic 5, the effectiveness of our method is preliminarily proved by Table 3 in the full paper for an actual application, which lists four improvements including reduction of templates from 1364 to 505 and raising the rate of satisfactory forming from 70.0% to 90.5%.