Recent Research Advance of Application of Ductile Fracture Criteria in Sheet Metal Forming Process
XIE Yan-min,YU Hu-ping,CHEN Jun,RUAN Xue-yu
Journal of Engineering Design
Abstract:The paper overviews the methods of predicting the forming limit stress diagram in sheet metal forming,the maximum forming ratio,the forming limit diagram,the ductile fracture criteria(DFC),and so on.Making use of DFC,the forming limit can be predicted in the metal sheet with low ductility,and can be predicted when the forming path varies.In the finite element method,DFC can be applied to incremental approaches with a fully coupled elastoplastic-damage model,and can be applied to the one-step inverse approach.In order to predict the forming limit exactly,a criterion that indicates the material ability in essence is expected to be worked out,including the improvement of finite element method.