Research on Influence of Moisture Immerging Into Composite Insulator's Crimping Interface
YANG Changjian,XU Chi,YAN Nianping,JIA Zhidong,WANG Xilin
Abstract:Coastal region of Southern China is mostly located in high-temperature and high-humidity areas with frequent long-time heavy rainfall. To study the changing mechanism of the temperature difference and maximum mechanical load caused by the water molecules immerging into the crimping interface between the FRP rods and the metal fitting of the composite insulators operating in such environment, in this paper, composite insulator samples are selected, poached in electrolyte for 42 hours and soaked for different periods of time in sequence. Then infrared temperature measurement and maximum mechanical load test under power frequency voltage are conducted, and FTIR, TGA, SEM, EDS analysis for the surface of the FRP rods after pulling out of the fitting are carried out. Result shows that as the soaking process goes on, the moisture is gradually immersed into the crimped interface between the FRP rods and the metal fitting, causing decrease of the relative content of epoxy resin in the rods and reduction of coordination bond between epoxy resin, coupling agent and metal atom, intuitively showing temperature increase at first and then trending to keep steady, but the maximum mechanical load keeps going down. After the soaked insulator is dried for a certain period of time, the moisture at the crimped interface will spread outward and the coordination bond between the coupling agent and the metal atoms will recover, enhancing the maximum mechanical load.