Development of a Thermal Control System with Mechanically Pumped CO2 Two-Phase Loops for the AMS-02 Tracker on the ISS
gerd alberti,a alvino,g ambrosi,m bardet,r battiston,s borsini,j f cao,yue chen,j van es,corrado gargiulo,k h guo,li guo,zhao hong he,z c huang,v koutsenko,elisa laudi,a lebedev,s c lee,tian xia li,y l lin,s lv,m menichelli,j y miao,d c mo,j q ni,antoine de pauw,x m qi,g m shue,de jian sun,x h sun,c p tang,b verlaat,z x wang,z l weng,w j xiao,n s xu,f k yang,c c yeh,zengguang zhang,t zwartbol
Abstract: To provide a stable thermal environment for the AMS-Tracker, a thermal control system based on mechanically pumped CO2 two-phase loops was developed. It has been operating reliably in space since May 19, 2011. In this article, we summarize the design, construction, tests, and performance of the AMS-Tracker thermal control system (AMS-TTCS).