O(m~2) Time Randomized Algorithms for SAT Problem
Xu Yun
Jisuanji Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Computers
Abstract:The NP-hard problems such as SAT (the propositional satisfiability problem) are long-term issues in the research of computer algorithms and theory. Some of the most successful and powerful methods for SAT problems, like GSAT, randomized hill-climbing, Tabu Search, and Simulated Annealing, can be cast into the framework of randomized algorithms. Randomized algorithms are playing a more and more important role in solving SAT problems because of their simplicity, speed and robustness. But the conventional randomized algorithms for SAT problems are mainly based on searching for satisfiable solutions. If no satisfiable solutions are found, it is difficult to justify the satisfiability of SAT problems correctly. In this paper, we propose a new idea that is to estimate the number of unsatisfiable solutions of a Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF) formula and to test the satisfiability, which is different from that of the conventional randomized algorithms. Even no satisfiable solutions can be found, it is still possible to test the satisfiability of the SAT problem. Based on the above idea, we design two randomized algorithms for SAT problems with time complexity of O(m 2), where m is the number of clauses in a CNF formula. For given accuracy parameter e and confidence parameter δ, they both give a mathematical expectation between 1-e and 1+e times the number of unsatisfiable solutions with probability at least 1-δ. If the expectation is less than 2 n, where n is the number of variables in a CNF formula, then the SAT instance is satisfiable, otherwise unsatisfiable. Furthermore, SatTest2 can estimate the number of unsatisfiable solutions while searches for a satisfiable solution, which is an important improvement of the conventional randomized algorithms. Experimental results, conducted on a number of SAT instances near the phase transition, indicate that our methods lead to significant performance improvements for hard SAT problems.