Exploring Advanced Detector Technologies for Muon Radiography Applications
Amrutha Samalan,Yassar Assran,Carlos Andres Diaz Escorcia,Basma EIMahdy,Yanwen Hong,Prithivraj Govindaraj,Cesar Rendon,Deepak Samuel,Michael Tytgat
Abstract:Muon radiography often referred to as muography, is an imaging technique that uses freely available cosmic-ray muons to study the interior structure of natural or man-made large-scale objects. The amount of multidisciplinary applications of this technique keeps increasing over time and a variety of basic detector types have already been used in the construction of muon telescopes. Here, we are investigating the use of advanced gaseous detectors for muography. As our basic solution, given its robustness and ease of operation in remote, outdoor environments, a scintillator-based muon telescope with silicon photomultiplier readout is being developed. To enhance the telescope performance, we are proposing the use of Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chambers (mRPCs) and Thick Gas Electron Multipliers (THGEMs). While the former offer superior time resolution which could be beneficial for detector background rejection, the latter detector type offers excellent spatial resolution, can be manufactured at low cost and operated with a simple gas mixture. Currently, prototype detector planes for each of these proposed types are being designed and constructed, and initial performance tests are in progress. In parallel, a Geant4- based muon telescope simulation is being developed, which will enable us to e.g. optimize our telescope geometry and study the use of superior time resolution for background rejection. The design and status of the three detector prototype planes and the muon telescope, along with the initial results of their performance tests and of the Geant4 simulation studies are reported.
Instrumentation and Detectors,Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics