Calculation of tensor susceptibility beyond rainbow-ladder approximation
of Dyson-Schwinger equations approach
Yuan-mei Shi,Hui-xia Zhu,Wei-min Sun,Hong-shi Zong
Abstract: In this paper, we extend the calculation of tensor vacuum susceptibility in the rainbow-ladder approximation of the Dyson-Schwinger (DS) approach in [Y.M.Shi, K.P.Wu, W.M.Sun, H.S.Zong, J.L.Ping, Phys. Lett. B $\bf{639}$, 248 (2006)] to that of employing the Ball-Chiu (BC) vertex. The dressing effect of the quark-gluon vertex on the tensor vacuum susceptibility is investigated. Our results show that compared with its rainbow-ladder approximation value, the tensor vacuum susceptibility obtained in the BC vertex approximation is reduced by about 10%. This shows that the dressing effect of the quark-gluon vertex is not large in the calculation of the tensor vacuum susceptibility in the DS approach.