Measurements and optimization of the light yield of a TeO$_2$ crystal
F. Bellini,L. Cardani,N. Casali,I. Dafinei,M. Marafini,S. Morganti,F. Orio,D. Pinci,G. Piperno,D. Santone,C. Tomei,M. Vignati
Abstract:Bolometers have proven to be good instruments to search for rare processes because of their excellent energy resolution and their extremely low intrinsic background. In this kind of detectors, the capability of discriminating alpha particles from electrons represents an important aspect for the background reduction. One possibility for obtaining such a discrimination is provided by the detection of the Cherenkov light which, at the low energies of the natural radioactivity, is only emitted by electrons. This paper describes the method developed to evaluate the amount of light produced by a crystal of TeO$_2$ when hit by a 511 keV photon. The experimental measurements and the results of a detailed simulation of the crystal and the readout system are shown and compared. A light yield of about 52 Cherenkov photons per deposited MeV was measured. The effect of wrapping the crystal with a PTFE layer, with the aim of maximizing the light collection, is also presented.
Instrumentation and Detectors,High Energy Physics - Experiment