Photo-Carrier Injection and Magnetoresistance Behavior in the Strongly Correlated Electronic Material Heterojunction
run ren,yijing ren,zhongxia zhao,weiren wang,xuan li
Science of Advanced Materials
Abstract:The carrier injection and ferromagnetic (FM) transition in the ZnO/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3-sigma heterojunction have been investigated by means of photoresistance and magnetoresistance, as well as X-ray diffraction. The presence of the exchanged polarons rather than bare e.g., electrons and ferromagnetic phase transition were found in doped manganities at the Curie temperature T-c. In addition, it is clearly shown that positive colossal magnetoresistance (MR) effect decreased with increasing temperature and photoinduced demagnetization dependence of photoresistivity behavior in the LSMO/ZnO junction. The maximum photoinduced resistance values are measured to be 33.3% at H=0.5 T, intense laser 200 rriW/cm(2), 21.8% at H=0.5 T, pulse laser 155 mW/cm(2), respectively. The mechanism reveals that photocarrier injection effect controls photoinduced demagnetization and transport properties of spin orbit coupling ZnO/LSMO in which the effect of correlations among spin, orbit, electrons, and phonons plays a crucial role. The separated phase couplings of FM microdomains at T-c, are achieved by adjusting the effective hopping of polarons, which provide effective evidences for FM transition and spin orbit ordering in the strongly correlated electronic material of manganites.