Influence of Epoxy Resin on Partial Discharge Development under Non-uniform Field
Zhigang Xiao,Ming Dong,Ming Ren,Chongxing Zhang,Jiangang Bi,Chunyu Yan
Abstract:To research the influence of epoxy resin on the partial discharge development under non-uni-form field, we designed a partial discharge test system based on IEC 60270. Photomultiplier (PMT), Rogowski coil, and PDcheck were used to test the discharge characteristics of six typical defects, and their pulse spectra and PRPD spectra under different voltages were obtained. Through comparing the typi-cal characteristics of surface discharge and floating discharge, the discharge can be divided into three stag-es, which are glow discharge, electron avalanche discharge, and streamer discharge, and the influence of epoxy resin on the discharge was studied. The results show that the epoxy resin has little influence on the discharge in the initial stage of discharge, and epoxy resin would depress the development of dis-charge with the increase of voltage then eventually contribute to form more stable surface streamer dis-charge. The typical discharge spectra of metal particle at different positions were compared, the surface defect was simplified to equivalent circuit model, and the discharge difference of defects at positive and negative half cycle was explained.