Stoichiometry Control of CuInS2 Thin Films Growning with Ion Layer Gas Reaction(ILGAR)Method
Jijun Qiu,Zhengguo Jin,Jinwen Qian
Xiyou Jinshu Cailiao Yu Gongcheng/Rare Metal Materials and Engineering
Abstract:CuInS2 thin films have been prepared by ion layer gas reaction(ILGAR) using C2H5OH as solvent, CuCl and InCl3 as reagents and H2S gas as sulfuration source. The effect of the [Cu]/ [In] in the mixing precursor on the Cu/In of the film was investigated to control the chemical stoichiometry of CuInS2 films. The chemical composition, crystalline structure, surface topography, deposited rate, optical and electronic properties of the films were characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectrometer (XPS), X-ray diffraction spectrometer(XRD), scanning electron microscopy(SEM), ultraviolet-visible optical spectrometer(UV-Vis) and Hall System. The results showed that the Cu/In ratio of the films increase linearly with increasing the [Cu]/[In] ratio from 0.75 to 2.3. The sphalerite structure of In-rich CuInS2 film transforms to the chalcopyrite structure of Cu-rich film, and as 0.94≤Cu/In≤1.27 there are no segregation phases on the surface of films based on XRD. It displayed from SEM images that when the 0.94≤Cu/In ≤1.27 the thin film grown with higher deposition rate(20 nm/cycle - 30 nm/cycle) is uniform, compact and good in adhesion to the substrates. The absorption coefficient of CuInS2 thin films is larger than 104 cm-1, and the band gap Eg, is in the range of 1.30 eV-1.40 eV. The dark resistivity of the thin film decreases from 102 to 10-1Ω.cm and the carrier concentration ranges are in the range of 1016 cm-3 to 1017 cm -3.