Study of the Material Photon and Electron Background and the Liquid Argon Detector Veto Efficiency of the CDEX-10 Experiment
Su Jian,Zeng Zhi,Ma Hao,Yue Qian,Cheng Jian-Ping,Chang Jian-Ping,Chen Nan,Chen Ning,Chen Qing-Hao,Chen Yun-Hua,Chuang Yo-Chun,Deng Zhi,Du Qiang,Gong Hui,Hao Xi-Qing,He Qing-Ju,Huang Han-Xiong,Huang Teng-Rui,Jiang Hao,Kang Ke-Jun,Li Hau-Bin,Li Jian-Min,Li Jin,Li Jun,Li Xia,Li Xin-Ying,Li Xue-Qian,Li Yu-Lan,Li Yuan-Jing,Liao Heng-Yi,Lin Fong-Kay,Lin Shin-Ted,Liu Shu-Kui,Lu Lan-Chun,Mao Shao-Ji,Qin Jian-Qiang,Ren Jie,Ren Jing,Ruan Xi-Chao,Shen Man-Bin,Lakhwinder Singh,Manoj Kumar Singh,Arun Kumar Soma,Tang Chang-Jian,Tseng Chao-Hsiung,Wang Ji-Min,Wang Li,Wang Qing,Wong Tsz-King Henry,Wu Shi-Yong,Wu Yu-Cheng,Xing Hao-Yang,Xu Yin,Xue Tao,Yang Li-Tao,Yang Song-Wei,Yi Nan,Yu Chun-Xu,Yu Hao,Yu Xun-Zhen,Zeng Xiong-Hui,Zhang Lan,Zhang Yun-Hua,Zhao Ming-Gang,Zhao Wei,Zhou Zu-Ying,Zhu Jing-Jun,Zhu Wei-Bin,Zhu Xue-Zhou,Zhu Zhong-Hua
Abstract:The China Dark Matter Experiment (CDEX) is located at the China Jinping Underground Laboratory (CJPL) and aims to directly detect the weakly interacting massive particles (WIMP) flux with high sensitivity in the low mass region. Here we present a study of the predicted photon and electron backgrounds including the background contribution of the structure materials of the germanium detector, the passive shielding materials, and the intrinsic radioactivity of the liquid argon that serves as an anti-Compton active shielding detector. A detailed geometry is modeled and the background contribution has been simulated based on the measured radioactivities of all possible components within the GEANT4 program. Then the photon and electron background level in the energy region of interest (<10−2events·kg1·day−1·keV−1 (cpkkd)) is predicted based on Monte Carlo simulations. The simulated result is consistent with the design goal of the CDEX-10 experiment, 0.1cpkkd, which shows that the active and passive shield design of CDEX-10 is effective and feasible.