Issues on sustainable financing of new-type rural cooperative medical scheme
Lin CAI,Li LOU,Ying-bing PAN,Chun-fang LI,Xin CUI,Ming-shan SONG,Zheng CHEN,Li-ming ZHANG,Dong WANG,Mo HAO
Abstract:Sustainable financing is critical to ensure stability and sustainability of the new-type ruralcooperative medical scheme (NRCMS), which turns into one of the focuses of current researcher and implementers.In terms of four perspectives including financing goals collecting ways, premium goals and financing mechanism, thispaper tries to illustrate the mindset, methods and techniques that needed to maintain sustainablefinancing of NRCMS.In our opinion, it is necessary to take those issues into account: to set up a reasonable financing goals to implementfinancing feasibly and effectively, to maintain dynamic growth of premium and stable financing mechanism so as torealize the sustainable development of NRCMS.