The Practice on SaaS-Based CALIS Service Sharing
Yao Xiaoxia,Zhao Yongchao,Chen Ling,Wang Wenqing
Abstract:SaaS(Software as a service) assembles hardware,software and services together,reduces the cost of libraries through large-scale construction.It is regarded as one of the most important ways for libraries to implement the modern management,speed up information resources sharing and improve the ability of literature supplying.In 2009,Chinese library community started to pay strong attention on SaaS model.In 2011,CALIS developed a standardized,low-cost,adaptive,extensible SaaS-based service sharing platform.This platform can support service operations of hundreds or even thousands of CALIS member libraries within the same application system.As a practical application example of SaaS-based service sharing platform,CALIS interlibrary loan and document delivery system has been widely used in more than 400 member libraries after half year of its launch because of its low-investment and maintenance cost,low-demand on application and other advantages.