Research on Standardizing Public-opinion Poll and Constructing Harmonious Society
Chad D. Jensen,Amy F. Sato,Elissa Jelalian,Elizabeth R. Pulgaron,Alan M. Delamater,Chad D. Jensen,Amy F. Sato,Elissa Jelalian,Amy F. Sato,Chad D. Jensen,Elissa Jelalian,J. Rick Turner,Johannes Siegrist,Clare Hocking,Karen Jacobs,Miranda Hellman,Jacqueline Markowitz,Ellen Wuest,Carolyn Baum,Leeann Carey,Helene J. Polatajko,Elizabeth M. Maloney,Brian Oldenburg,Matthew Muldoon,Yu Yamada,Misato Takada,Leah Irish,Ryan Garcia,Adriana Carrillo,Mary Amanda Dew,Kristen R. Fox,Andrea F. DiMartini,C. Tracy Orleans,Manjunath Harlapur,Daichi Shimbo,Kristina Orth-Gomér,Eun-Shim Nahm,Kenneth J. Ottenbacher,Margaret E. Ottenbacher,Elizabeth R. Pulgaron,Sarah Aldred,Laura D. Kubzansky
Abstract:In modern western society,public-opinion poll commonly includes the investigation of public opinions,public feelings and consensus.In Chinese,if public-opinion pull refers mainly to the market investigation of economic life,and consensus the social investigation relating to the media,public feeling will be inclined to mean the research of public attitudes towards social politics.The present paper distinguishes the three conceptions about public-opinion pull from the perspectives of evolution of Chinese words and their pregmatic discriminations.The paper further introduces the institutions and mechanism of public-opinion pull in some western governments,and their chief means of carrying out the poll.Besides,the paper manages to generalize the distributions and characteristics of various public-opinion poll institutions which appear in China in recent years.And it is viewed as a beneficial attempt to standardize public-opinion poll and attach importance to the research of public feelings for the construction of the harmonious society and the socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics.