Energy-Saving Dispatching Model and Its Applications in Guangdong Power Grid
CHEN Liang,WANG Cheng,WEI Wei,LIU Feng,MEI Sheng-wei,WANG Yi,CHEN Yu-guo
Abstract:To meet the requirements of energy saving and environment protection,the energy-saving generation dispatching policy(ESGDP) has been promulgated and implemented in power girds of China.The core of ESGDP is to establish a dispatching sequence for each of units,and then schedule and dispatch them in order.However,the ESGDP only provides general dispatching principles without comprehensive model and algorithm for energy-saving dispatching,which discourages the implementation of ESGDP in Guangdong power grid at large.To solve this engineering problem,this paper proposes a mix integer linear programming(MILP) based unit commitment(UC) and generation scheduling model considering the ESGDP.In view of a large capacity of pumped storage hydro in Guangdong power grid,the effects of pumped storage plants are further taken into account in the energy-saving dispatching model.Effectiveness of the proposed model is verified on the IEEE-39 bus power system.Using the real data of Guangdong power grid,the energy-saving dispatching strategies are determined and analyzed for different dispatching modes for minimizing the fuel cost and the electricity purchasing cost,respectively.Furthermore,some general principles are suggested for using pumped storage plants under different modes of energy-saving dispatching in Guangdong power grid.