Impact of coherent mode coupling on noise performance in elliptical aperture VCSELs for datacom
Cristina Rimoldi,Lorenzo L. Columbo,Alberto Tibaldi,Pierluigi Debernardi,Sebastian Romero García,Christian Raabe,Mariangela Gioannini
Abstract:We study the dynamical behavior of medium-size multimode VCSELs with an elliptical oxide aperture, selected for the best trade-off between high output power and modulation speed for datacom applications, with a focus on their relative intensity noise (RIN) performance. Our experimental results, collected for various VCSELs, outline the presence of several peaks in the RIN spectra within the bandwidth of the transmission system, which can limit the eye opening under direct current modulation. Here, we present a rigorous model to explain for the first time the origin of these peaks. In particular, the frequencies of the spectral RIN peaks are analytically described as the result of the non-trivial interaction among transverse modes by addressing the laser dynamics and the related noise features through a time-domain mode expansion approach, accounting for coherent effects in multimode competition, spatial hole burning, and carrier diffusion. The laser modulation performance is addressed through dynamical simulations with PAM2 and PAM4 modulations, which clearly demonstrate the potential for high-bitrate optical interconnects. Finally, we address the effect of the oxide aperture aspect ratio via electromagnetic simulations, demonstrating how the ellipticity affects the modal frequency detuning and the RIN, thus providing design guidelines for VCSELs with low RIN performance and outlining a clear roadmap for a substantially improved bandwidth-power trade-off in these devices.