Probing Balitsky-Fadin-Kuraev-Lipatov Dynamics in the Dijet Cross Section at Large Rapidity Intervals in P(P)Over-Bar Collisions at Root S=1800 and 630 Gev

B Abbott,M Abolins,V Abramov,BS Acharya,DL Adams,M Adams,V Akimov,GA Alves,N Amos,EW Anderson,MM Baarmand,VV Babintsev,L Babukhadia,A Baden,B Baldin,S Banerjee,J Bantly,E Barberis,P Baringer,JF Bartlett,U Bassler,A Bean,A Belyaev,SB Beri,G Bernardi,I Bertram,VA Bezzubov,PC Bhat,V Bhatnagar,M Bhattacharjee,G Blazey,S Blessing,A Boehnlein,NI Bojko,F Borcherding,A Brandt,R Breedon,G Briskin,R Brock,G Brooijmans,A Bross,D Buchholz,V Buescher,VS Burtovoi,JM Butler,W Carvalho,D Casey,Z Casilum,H Castilla-Valdez,D Chakraborty,KM Chan,SV Chekulaev,W Chen,DK Cho,S Choi,S Chopra,BC Choudhary,JH Christenson,M Chung,D Claes,AR Clark,WG Cobau,J Cochran,L Coney,B Connolly,WE Cooper,D Coppage,D Cullen-Vidal,MAC Cummings,D Cutts,OI Dahl,K Davis,K De,K Del Signore,M Demarteau,D Denisov,SP Denisov,HT Diehl,M Diesburg,G Di Loreto,P Draper,Y Ducros,LV Dudko,SR Dugad,A Dyshkant,D Edmunds,J Ellison,VD Elvira,R Engelmann,S Eno,G Eppley,P Ermolov,OV Eroshin,J Estrada,H Evans,VN Evdokimov,T Fahland,S Feher,D Fein,T Ferbel,HE Fisk,Y Fisyak,E Flattum,F Fleuret,M Fortner,KC Frame,S Fuess,E Gallas,AN Galyaev,P Gartung,V Gavrilov,RJ Genik,K Genser,CE Gerber,Y Gershtein,B Gibbard,R Gilmartin,G Ginther,B Gobbi,B Gomez,PI Goncharov,JLG Solis,H Gordon,LT Goss,K Gounder,A Goussiou,N Graf,PD Grannis,JA Green,H Greenlee,S Grinstein,P Grudberg,S Grunendahl,G Guglielmo,A Gupta,SN Gurzhiev,G Gutierrez,P Gutierrez,NJ Hadley,H Haggerty,S Hagopian,V Hagopian,KS Hahn,RE Hall,P Hanlet,S Hansen,JM Hauptman,C Hays,C Hebert,D Hedin,AP Heinson,U Heintz,T Heuring,R Hirosky,JD Hobbs,B Hoeneisen,JS Hoftun,AS Ito,SA Jerger,R Jesik,T Joffe-Minor,K Johns,M Johnson,A Jonckheere,M Jones,H Jostlein,SY Jun,A Juste,S Kahn,E Kajfasz,D Karmanov,D Karmgard,R Kehoe,SK Kim,B Klima,C Klopfenstein,B Knuteson,W Ko,JM Kohli,AV Kostritskiy,J Kotcher,AV Kotwal,AV Kozelov,EA Kozlovsky,J Krane,MR Krishnaswamy,S Krzywdzinski,M Kubantsev,S Kuleshov,Y Kulik,S Kunori,G Landsberg,A Leflat,F Lehner,J Li,QZ Li,JGR Lima,D Lincoln,SL Linn,J Linnemann,R Lipton,JG Lu,A Lucotte,L Lueking,C Lundstedt,AKA Maciel,RJ Madaras,V Manankov,S Mani,HS Mao,R Markeloff,T Marshall,MI Martin,RD Martin,KM Mauritz,B May,AA Mayorov,R McCarthy,J McDonald,T McKibben,T McMahon,HL Melanson,M Merkin,KW Merritt,C Miao,H Miettinen,D Mihalcea,A Mincer,CS Mishra,N Mokhov,NK Mondal,HE Montgomery,M Mostafa,H da Motta,E Nagy,F Nang,M Narain,VS Narasimham,HA Neal,JP Negret,S Negroni,D Norman,L Oesch,V Oguri,B Olivier,N Oshima,P Padley,LJ Pan,A Para,N Parashar,R Partridge,N Parua,M Paterno,A Patwa,B Pawlik,J Perkins,M Peters,R Piegaia,H Piekarz,BG Pope,E Popkov,HB Prosper,S Protopopescu,J Qian,PZ Quintas,R Raja,S Rajagopalan,NW Reay,S Reucroft,M Rijssenbeek,T Rockwell,M Roco,P Rubinov,R Ruchti,J Rutherfoord,A Santoro,L Sawyer,RD Schamberger,H Schellman,A Schwartzman,J Sculli,N Sen,E Shabalina,HC Shankar,RK Shivpuri,D Shpakov,M Shupe,RA Sidwell,H Singh,JB Singh,V Sirotenko,P Slattery,E Smith,RP Smith,R Snihur,GR Snow,J Snow,S Snyder,J Solomon,XF Song,V Sorin,M Sosebee,N Sotnikova,M Souza,NR Stanton,G Steinbruck,RW Stephens,ML Stevenson,F Stichelbaut,D Stoker,V Stolin,DA Stoyanova,M Strauss,K Streets,M Strovink,L Stutte,A Sznajder,J Tarazi,W Taylor,S Tentindo-Repond,TLT Thomas,J Thompson,D Toback,TG Trippe,AS Turcot,PM Tuts,P van Gemmeren,V Vaniev,N Varelas,AA Volkov,AP Vorobiev,HD Wahl,H Wang,J Warchol,G Watts,M Wayne,H Weerts,A White,JT White,D Whiteson,JA Wightman,S Willis,SJ Wimpenny,JVD Wirjawan,J Womersley,DR Wood,R Yamada,P Yamin,T Yasuda,K Yip,S Youssef,J Yu,Z Yu,M Zanabria,H Zheng,Z Zhou,ZH Zhu,M Zielinski,D Zieminska,A Zieminski,V Zutshi,EG Zverev,A Zylberstejn
IF: 8.6
Physical Review Letters
Abstract:Inclusive dijet production at large pseudorapidity intervals (Delta eta) between the two jets has been suggested as a regime for observing Balitsky-Fadin-Kuraev-Lipatov (BFKL) dynamics. We have measured the dijet cross section for large Delta eta in p (p) over bar collisions at root s = 1800 and 630 GeV using the D0 detector. The partonic cross section increases strongly with the size of Delta eta; The observed growth is even stronger than expected on the basis of BFKL resummation in the leading logarithmic approximation. The growth of the partonic cross section can be accommodated with an effective BFKL intercept of alpha(BFKL)(20 GeV) = 1.65 +/- 0.07.
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