Present Status of the High Current Linac at Tsinghua University and Its Application
Qingzi Xing,Du Tai Bin,Cheng,Chang Du,Lei Du,Tiantian Du,Weiqiang Guan,Xialing Guan,Qiankun Guo,Yu He,Huixin Jiang,Jian Li,Chuanxiang Tang,Ruo Tang,Dan Wang,Xuewu Wang,Lin Wu,Huayi Zhang,Zhang Qingzhu,Shuxin Zheng
Abstract:The CPHS (Compact Pulsed Hadron Source) linac at Tsinghua University, is now in operation as an achievement of its mid-term objective. Presently the RFQ accelerator is operated stably with the beam energy of 3 MeV, peak current of 26 mA, pulse length of 100 μs and repetition rate of 20 Hz. After the maintenance the transmission rate of the RFQ accelerator had been recovered from 65% to 91%. The applications of the proton and neutron beams are introduced in this paper. INTRODUCTION Since the first 3 MeV/44 mA proton beam of the CPHS (Compact Pulsed Hadron Source) linac at Tsinghua University was achieved in March 2013, the proton beam has been delivered to bombard the Beryllium target to produce neutrons for various applications [1][2]. The whole linac contains the ECR Ion Source (IS), the 4-vane Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) proton accelerator (shown in Fig. 1), RF power supply and distributor, and beam transport. In the first half year of 2017 the Drift Tube Linac (DTL) is expected to be installed downstream the RFQ accelerator to upgrade the beam energy to the designed value of 13 MeV. Figure 1: 3MeV RFQ accelerator at Tsinghua University. Based on the proton and neutron beams, various applications mainly includes the development of the neutron detectors (B4C-coated straw-tube and gadolinium-doped Micro-Channel Plate (MCP)) and biological dosemeters, and neutron imaging. Furthermore, a proton irradiation station is being planned to provide the 13 MeV proton beam with a flux of 108~109 p/cm2/s for the experimental simulation of the space radiation environment. OPERATION STATUS OF THE HIGH CURRENT 3MeV PROTON LINAC The operation time of the CPHS facility in 2016 was ~300 hrs. The present main parameters together with the designed values of the proton beam are listed in Table 1. The RFQ accelerator is operated stably with the beam energy of 3 MeV, peak current of 26 mA, pulse length of 100 μs and repetition rate of 20 Hz. The peak current is measured near the outside surface of the target station. The current of the proton beam at the entrance of the RFQ has decreased from 60 mA (year 2013) to 44 mA (year 2016). Table 1: Main Parameters of the Proton Beam Passing into the Target Station Parameter Designed Value Present Value Beam Energy (MeV) 13 3 Peak Current (mA) 50 26 Beam Pulse Width (μs) 500 100 Repetition Rate (Hz) 50 20 Neutrons are produced by proton beam bombarding the 1.2 mm-thick Beryllium target. The Be target has been redesigned to be mounted on a 2 mm-thick aluminium plate since it had broken twice after only several-hour operation on the repetition rate of 50 Hz. The possible reason of the crack was evaluated to be the thermal stress under high repetition rate. The new target with Al plate mounted had worked well in 2014 with the repetition rate of 20 Hz. Increasing the repetition rate to 50 Hz to test the new target with the proton beam will be carried out in the future. MAINTENANCE AND UPGRADE OF THE 3MeV LINAC The maintenance and upgrade of the CPHS linac are carried out as the following, among which the first five has been accomplished: ___________________________________________ * Work supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project 11575098). † Proceedings of HB2016, Malmö, Sweden WEAM3Y01 Accelerator Systems ISBN 978-3-95450-178-6 413 C op yr ig ht © 20 16 C C -B Y3. 0 an d by th e re sp ec tiv e au th or s 1. Field retuning of the RFQ accelerator to enhance the transmission rate. 2. Insert one chopper into the LEBT to decrease the rising and falling time of the beam pulse. 3. Re-layout of the power source supply of the IS/LEBT to avoid the sparking. 4. Upgrade the control system by adopting the EPICS environment. 5. Adopt parameter scanning during beam commissioning. 6. Monitor the temperature distribution of the Be target. 7. Upgrade the beam energy to 13MeV by the DTL accelerator. 8. Recovery of the output current of the proton beam to ~60mA at the exit of the ECR source. Re-tuning of the RFQ Accelerator In order to deal with the transmission rate degradation of the RFQ accelerator, the field distribution inside the RFQ cavity was checked, and the field tuning was performed and the relative error of the quadrupole field was reduced from 7.3% to 2.6% (Fig. 2). The resonance frequency of the RFQ was adjusted to 325.01 MHz from 325.12 MHz. After the RFQ was recommissioned, the transmission rate of the RFQ raised to 91% by the end of 2015. (a) Before re-tuning