Geometry of Complex Bounded Domains with Finite-Volume Quotients
Kefeng Liu,Yunhui Wu
Abstract:We first show that for a bounded pseudoconvex domain with a manifold quotient of finite-volume in the sense of Kahler-Einstein measure, the identity component of the automorphism group of this domain is semi-simple without compact factors. This partially answers an open question in [Fra95]. Then we apply this result in different settings to solve several open problems, for examples, (1). We prove that the automorphism group of the Griffiths domain [Gri71] in ℂ^2 is discrete. This gives a complete answer to an open question raised four decades ago. (2). We show that for a contractible HHR/USq complex manifold D with a finite-volume manifold quotient M, if D contains a one-parameter group of holomorphic automorphisms and the fundamental group of M is irreducible, then D is biholomorphic to a bounded symmetric domain. This theorem can be viewed as a finite-volume version of Nadel-Frankel's solution for the Kahzdan conjecture, which has been open for years. (3). We show that for a bounded convex domain D⊂ℂ^n of C^2-smooth boundary, if D has a finite-volume manifold quotient with an irreducible fundamental group, then D is biholomorphic to the unit ball in ℂ^n, which partially solves an old conjecture of Yau. For (2) and (3) above, if the complex dimension is equal to 2, more refined results will be provided.